Germinating in water


New Member
The sandpaper if for "scoring" the seeds.

Some seeds have very hard shells, like pot or gourds for instance. With gourds I soak them for 24 hours and then nick them with a knife, it makes them germinate faster.

With weed I find it easier to shake them with the sandpaper before I soak them.

It just helps them germinate a little bit faster.


Active Member
i have tried both mentioned ways and the most sucessful attempts have been to soak seeds in hydrogen peroxide and a water mix 20/80 til the root is exposed then placing them in a moist paper towel until the root is a 1/4 inch this may not be advisible but my germinated seeds sprout within 24 hours. oh and keep the water cup in the dark


New Member
I haven't tried peroxide, but last time I put a couple of crumbs of shultz rooting powder and a drop of superthrive in my cup and they cracked, were planted and sprouted out of the soil in 4 days. I don't know if it was a fluke, but I'm trying it again next time anyway.


New Member
I don't know...With that I've tried all the methods...and No results.. I don't have the Green Thumb...
Be careful of the advice you get on here. Some is good. Some is not so good. Rather than listen to people that have never even heard of water germination, you should have just been patient and left your seeds in the cup of water, placed in a dark environment (like a cupboard_, and let them do all the work. Most seeds crack in 2-3 days, some take longer, not all will sprout. Switching your methods up midway probably stressed your seeds.


Well-Known Member
use the papertowel trick...its works everytime as long as you have a decent seed...just use a plate thats curved up at the sides,and check it...makes sure its always wet...its real easy.Try not to touch the sprout with your fingers when moving it around,try to grab the shell...tricky but kinda important


Well-Known Member
Be careful of the advice you get on here. Some is good. Some is not so good. Rather than listen to people that have never even heard of water germination, you should have just been patient and left your seeds in the cup of water, placed in a dark environment (like a cupboard_, and let them do all the work. Most seeds crack in 2-3 days, some take longer, not all will sprout. Switching your methods up midway probably stressed your seeds.

i totally agree with both your points, thats why i posted half way through not to touch em. and like stated before, unless you like moldy seeds, dont use papertowels. and when you plant them dont use your fingers. you must be carefull, really, not to touch em at all after starting...use tweezers..

and, believe me ive got, and unfortunatly, used some bad advice from here...