Ah I just tossed my plans for the day out the window and went to find out what these worms are instead

My worms are very happy and reproducing like crazy, but even at that size they are colored.
These are
white worms aka
pot worms:
and belong to the family of the
Enchytraeidae -
Some people even breed them into their bins on purpose:
The only thing that bothers me is that apparently they produce even finer castings, since that is something thats becoming a problem in my pots as is...
But I'm not fazed by the acidity-indicating aspect of their presence, as it was clearly the neem, not the general environment in the bin, that brought them on in these masses.
interesting! Idon't quite get what the plastic is good for though? won't it preven the worms from digging down into the lower tiers?