US War with China


Well-Known Member
We as a nation and a people have clearly forgotten the lessons of the twentieth century. Until the current situation becomes intolerable, we'll blithely continue on with it. The current protests must be galvanized into political action for real change to occur and that's not a process that happens easily or overnight.

I'm expecting a race between a repeat of the Great Depression and a repeat of the war that followed it.

This is one time I really don't want to be right.
They (protest) already has. Two republicans have voted 'no' on Devos due to 'thousands of phone calls, EMs and people protesting outside their Senate office doors'.

They have grouped via the Indivisible Playbook.

The are as popular as the TEA at same time and point in Obama administration BUT with one distinction..they are TWICE as supported than the TEA at same time point.


Obama got nothing done..The Dumpster better get a move on soon he'll be shutdown and all the EOs in the world won't save him..hehehe:lol:


Well-Known Member
I know because if I did not vote for Trump Hillary would be President.... Lol, he actually lost NY state but what can you do? Oh yeah protest like a hippy liberal. Lmao
You are the type of Americans that bring lasting international shame to this country. Enjoy it. Your days are numbered. You should travel a lot in the meantime. Turkey is nice. Wear patriotic clothes.


Well-Known Member
You are the type of Americans that bring lasting international shame to this country. Enjoy it. Your days are numbered. You should travel a lot in the meantime. Turkey is nice. Wear patriotic clothes.
International shame? Do you have any idea how many people still want to come to America??

None of the millions of legal immigrants want Muslims to freely enter America while they must jump through hoops. We will still have millions of Mexicans working our shit jobs only they will have Visas and pay taxes on their income like every other citizen of this great nation. If we look so bad maybe they can move to China instead their they will live under communism 1 child policy, jailed for questioning the government. Oh and by the way slavery still happens in China!!

They can say what they like about America we are still the greatest nation on earth!


Well-Known Member
Hey Tampee, which wave of immigrants did your people come over in? Irish? Italians? Poles? Regardless, you were considered trash when you got here like we all were - but still they let you in. America has tried excluding people on the basis of national origin. We got better, mostly. But now things in the world are kinda tough. The weak-minded (you guys) among us have turned into a bunch of xenophobic cowards and decided to throw their weight around. And now you are dredging up every dis-credited lump of shit that your grandparents pushed last Century. America First? Lol. You poor dumb fucks. I only hope you all live long enough to regret it.

And please do not give me your crap about being black. Nobody believes that shit. You are a pale, white twink trying to be a badass and failing miserably.


Well-Known Member
For now we are. But as you and Donald have no idea what made us that way, it won't last long.

Seriously though, that Turkey vacation idea sounds like a good idea. Make sure you loudly express your opinions - they respect that.
I think Egypt is much nicer than Turkey only problem is Egypt don't want them refugees... Nothing like the pyramids to see in Turkey and it's flooded with ISIS they have had many terrorist attacks... A bit like EU. :)


Well-Known Member
International shame? Do you have any idea how many people still want to come to America??

None of the millions of legal immigrants want Muslims to freely enter America while they must jump through hoops. We will still have millions of Mexicans working our shit jobs only they will have Visas and pay taxes on their income like every other citizen of this great nation. If we look so bad maybe they can move to China instead their they will live under communism 1 child policy, jailed for questioning the government. Oh and by the way slavery still happens in China!!

They can say what they like about America we are still the greatest nation on earth!
You've been sold out...1 child policy went out the door years ago, hence the move to where the market will be.

However, of all the foreign drug makers, Pfizer still has the best distribution channel in China, and Viara continues to sell briskly, Jiang said. Even as the drug's sales fell about 10 percent globally in 2014, its sales in China surged 47 percent, its fastest rate ever.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tampee, which wave of immigrants did your people come over in? Irish? Italians? Poles? Regardless, you were considered trash when you got here like we all were - but still they let you in. America has tried excluding people on the basis of national origin. We got better, mostly. But now things in the world are kinda tough. The weak-minded (you guys) among us have turned into a bunch of xenophobic cowards and decided to throw their weight around. And now you are dredging up every dis-credited lump of shit that your grandparents pushed last Century. America First? Lol. You poor dumb fucks. I only hope you all live long enough to regret it.

And please do not give me your crap about being black. Nobody believes that shit. You are a pale, white twink trying to be a badass and failing miserably.
The slave ships and Sicilian WW2 wave with a dash of Native/English.

Lmao about pale white twink. I remember hearing Trump would lose without the black vote... Looks like he got the black vote. :lol::clap:


Well-Known Member
Nothing like the pyramids in Turkey? You have never been out of your state, have you?
Who hasn't been outside their own state? Henry the great hermit of the North? Lol

I honestly have never seen anything special to see in Turkey but by all means show me something great comparable to the Pyramids.


Well-Known Member
Who hasn't been outside their own state? Henry the great hermit of the North? Lol

I honestly have never seen anything special to see in Turkey but by all means show me something great comparable to the Pyramids.
Write "Uncle Baldrick blows goats - I seen it" on your palm in ballpoint pen and post a picture of it.


Well-Known Member
US War with China ? likelihood in 5-10 years 33%

US War with Ru ? likelihood in 5-10 years 13%

Iran War with Israel ? likelihood in 5-10 years 73%

China War with India ? likelihood in 5-10 years 28%

China War with Ru ? likelihood in 5-10 years 20%

Where's the CIA when you need them

Forgot one:

Trumps war with the twitter verse?
Likelihood immediate and ongoing - 110%


Well-Known Member
Hey Tampee, which wave of immigrants did your people come over in? Irish? Italians? Poles? Regardless, you were considered trash when you got here like we all were - but still they let you in. America has tried excluding people on the basis of national origin. We got better, mostly. But now things in the world are kinda tough. The weak-minded (you guys) among us have turned into a bunch of xenophobic cowards and decided to throw their weight around. And now you are dredging up every dis-credited lump of shit that your grandparents pushed last Century. America First? Lol. You poor dumb fucks. I only hope you all live long enough to regret it.

And please do not give me your crap about being black. Nobody believes that shit. You are a pale, white twink trying to be a badass and failing miserably.

And an admitted opiate adict, hmmm.

Has your wife died yet, tampon?