Doc's Dank Seeds

Have not, but have you thought about trying this?

Also, there is increasing evidence (in the 'straight' horticulture world) to support the use of potassium silicate products as systemic fungicides, instead of as a source of P as they're usually sold in the cannabis community.

Here's some links;
This is Potassium Silicate....
I use suffoil-x mixed with mycotrol-wpo in my hudson fogger. I mix 1 ounce of suffoil (one jigger) with 11/2 tablespoons of mycotrol -wpo to a 1 3/4 gallon sprayer tank. I mix with a low presure air pump for Emulsion to make sure I get a good even flow. I do this before I have a infestion. I spray it at planting or a few days after. then again every 20 days until a week before harvest.
If you have a russet outbreak or as a precaution add 4ml of avid per tank to assist in the knockout. I add the avid in veg to assure I have clean plants going into flower. The Avid has a 30day residual and I don't advise using it in flower. I hope this helps. happy growing!