CanFan Max series with Variac controller


Well-Known Member
Will work ok?

I have an 8 inch maxfan with a cheap variable speed controller, and at low settings it is too noisy. Basically anything below 70% causes noise.

Was just gonna buy a new, smaller fan, 4 inch because it's winter, but I see that many have fixed their noise issue by switching to a Variac controller. Should this work for me?

Its a used fan, and probably should be replaced anyways though...I'll take recommendations to consider, if anyone wants to give some.
Is that just a light dimmer you have as a controller? They won't work with inline fans and cause a rattling sound. What you want is a ceiling fan controller and they won't work with every fan. I'm using one with my 6" no-name inline fan and it works great. I have a heavy-duty Variac and never even thought of using it for the fans. I use that for overheating a crock pot when I make cocobudder so I get the temps up high enough to decarb the pot in the oil.

I just tried the Variac on a couple of old fans I've had kicking around for years and it works great with both. The bottom fan will work with the ceiling fan controller but the top one rattles at almost anything below 100% with that but works fine down to 20% using the Variac. Both are 6" fans and move a lot of air tho the bottom one moves the most. Good to know.


Kind of forgot about this you all for the advice. I am gonna try and order one soon. I really wish they were cheaper.

If I get one on eBay used, would that be a bad idea? Kind of like buying a used inline
Kind of forgot about this you all for the advice. I am gonna try and order one soon. I really wish they were cheaper.

If I get one on eBay used, would that be a bad idea? Kind of like buying a used inline

That one should work fine and a used one if it works should be OK too. Not much that can go wrong with those things. I would order extra fuses with it just in case.

As soon as I have some extra cash I'm getting a heated magnetic stirrer so I can do big batches of cocobudder and let the stirrer save me hand stirring it every 10 min or so.

How big is your grow Area 4x4? Couldnt you go with 2-4 8inch pc fans I have 2 bit fenix in my 2x2.5 on a simple temp controlled molex powered pc 12v fan controller and there moving 143 cfm each, Ive had no issues with heat and they are only 27db 900 rpm great for stealth. I dont know what kind of static pressure you need for your carbon filter but my home made filters work well.
Get a real Variac. Those 60$ ones will burn out your fan.

Can fan makes one for 260$.

For that much money you can buy a Vortex with a built in speed controller. I've been using my ceiling fan controller set at half speed with my cheap-ass, no-name, $90, 6" inline fan for two years and it works fine.
