Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

wife and I garage sale every weekend in the summer here in Oregon, and every now and then i run across a big pressure cooker,, and i oftern consider buying one to do just what your doing, I feel i have what it takes to build my own wort, and coil the copper and solder seam the sheet metal,
the pressure cooker is for small batches & basicly a starter setup next step is a stainless 24 qt.one but for now I'm working on my mash first run was pears ,applesauce & rice then I tried rice ,corn syrup & dried cherries next on the horizon is pears,mangoes & strawberry I call it PMS & for the grain I'll use rice as it gives off a good clear product my order of amalyse& distillers yeast arrived yesterday the shine is more of a novelty & mixes best with fruit juice & ice & as it sits gets pretty smooth :roll:
HI all. Another septuagenarian checking in from MA. Flashbacks to Washington Square Park in the '60s. Those were the days of border bricks (can you imagine having that tested for mold and pesticide at a lab today?), Thai sticks, Panama red, and Acapulco gold. Stopped in the '70s and just set up my first grow ... about 3 months to Blue Widow :)
Built a nice 600w CXB3590 COB fixture and growing in soil using Coast of Maine Stonington blend. Scarifying 5 seeds today for a 4x4 grow. Hoping a few months of research pays off.
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HI all. Another septuagenarian checking in from MA. Flashbacks to Washington Square Park in the '60s. Those were the days of border bricks (can you imagine having that tested for mold and pesticide at a lab today?), Thai sticks, Panama red, and Acapulco gold. Stopped in the '70s and just set up my first grow ... about 3 months to Blue Widow :)
Built a nice 600w CXB3090 COB fixture and growing in soil using Coast of Maine Stonington blend. Scarifying 5 seeds today for a 4x4 grow. Hoping a few months of research pays off.
Good choice of lighting,, i enjoy my cobs,
coast of maine,, sounds awesome,, i need to visit the east coast some day,,
I remember Thai sticks and mexican weed when i first started smoking , but I am only 53 and did get my first car till 1979 ,, I think i started smoking weed in 1980 ish,, so not long after that the hydro skunk weed hit the market in the early 80's and about that time i stopped seeing seeds in bags anymore,,
HI all. Another septuagenarian checking in from MA. Flashbacks to Washington Square Park in the '60s. Those were the days of border bricks (can you imagine having that tested for mold and pesticide at a lab today?), Thai sticks, Panama red, and Acapulco gold. Stopped in the '70s and just set up my first grow ... about 3 months to Blue Widow :)
Built a nice 600w CXB3590 COB fixture and growing in soil using Coast of Maine Stonington blend. Scarifying 5 seeds today for a 4x4 grow. Hoping a few months of research pays off.
Looks like you're learning your lessons well. That usually makes for a good harvest.
Good choice of lighting,, i enjoy my cobs,
coast of maine,, sounds awesome,, i need to visit the east coast some day,,
I remember Thai sticks and mexican weed when i first started smoking , but I am only 53 and did get my first car till 1979 ,, I think i started smoking weed in 1980 ish,, so not long after that the hydro skunk weed hit the market in the early 80's and about that time i stopped seeing seeds in bags anymore,,
it's funny the older I get the more I learn I remember thaisticks & then stickless thai which really came out of Mexico & the quality was high & the prices good made a lot of money then there was the Hawaiian that really was grown in Santa Cruz but even back then things had names
I've got access to Seal Bomb's here - they are used to try & keep seals out of salmon nets and they really go off with a bang plus they are waterproof & weighted so they sink.

Cherry bombs would sink. Was a lake near my house and the geese were real friendly (beggars). Chucked a cherry bomb in and they swam towards it but it went off before they got to it. Funny thing, they weren't near as friendly after that. Cherry bombs were way funny when you put one in somebody's tail pipe and wedged it in with a piece of branch. Took a few miles till they got the 'ultimate' backfire. Also those little paper firecrackers could be pushed into the back of a car's ashtray... lot of people wished they had brought an extra pair of pants. Oh those thrilling days of yesteryear.
Cherry bombs would sink. Was a lake near my house and the geese were real friendly (beggars). Chucked a cherry bomb in and they swam towards it but it went off before they got to it. Funny thing, they weren't near as friendly after that. Cherry bombs were way funny when you put one in somebody's tail pipe and wedged it in with a piece of branch. Took a few miles till they got the 'ultimate' backfire. Also those little paper firecrackers could be pushed into the back of a car's ashtray... lot of people wished they had brought an extra pair of pants. Oh those thrilling days of yesteryear.
man you were a mean kid. we use to light cherry bombs then shot them into the air with slingshots but never got into harming people or animals.you are not writing this from a prison are you?
Fill a Lawn & leaf garbage bag with pure acetylene gas and O2, tie it off, add a trailer fuse (tricky part), light said fuse & run.
When the fuse hits the plastic bag it is the MOAB of firecrackers.

thats the one,, we did this a few times,, but we pretty much decided it was too risky,,, like you said,, get a good fuse,, be sure to run, i was always nervous just being around them,,
are you talking about bang site cannons or just putting acetylene from a torch into a coffee can and lighting it?
what you did was take your oxy acet torch,, light it up, ,and make a good hot flame like you would to cut thru some 1/4 metal,, and then snuff it out on the concrete,, then fill a ballon or garbage bag,,,sometimes we use cigarettes as fuses,,
made for a very large bang