go out and get a better job. if you want to work there is work out there for you. *if you are physically and mentally able* theres a job out there for everyone. people just want to sit around and do the fucking minimum and expect things to go their way. this is the land of opportunity. ive done some terrible fucking shit in my lifetime. i swung back. i never resorted to asking the government or anyone else for money when there is always work out there.
like the illegals. ok deport them if you want to do some serious labor for 8 bucks an hour.
you guys are afraid of muslims and its hilarious.
tell me one thing a muslim personally has done negatively to you.
fuck man... pies in laws are from a country on the ban list i think. its fucking hypocritical and pathetic as fuck she'd be in support of it. all because shes a bitch coward whos afraid of brown people
Safe zones will be built, Syria and Iraq will become stable, and we will start forming equal partnerships with our allies.
Lol. Safe zones. Is that to keep them from triggering? I love your terminology. Just call them happy camps. Put Sherrif Joe Arpaio in charge if he is out of prison by then. Those camps will cause more terrorism than they will solve. Watch it happen.

You are a traitor and a coward. You do not understand what made America great.
Spoken like a good little drone. When terrorism increases will you admit that this is the wrong way to go or will you climb the mountain of totalitarianism and loudly shout that TRUMP! needs to be given more power and suppor?

Lol, I already know. You hate free societies. I have seen the type before.
she married a dude who stole scrap metal from the military and got a dishonorable discharge for it. she obviously isnt good at thinking
Trump met with pharma executives to start process of decreasing costs of medicine. A step in the right direction. They will need to lower prices to compete once he opens border with Canada for generics too.
Trump met with pharma executives to start process of decreasing costs of medicine. A step in the right direction. They will need to lower prices to compete once he opens border with Canada for generics too.
so hes meeting with big pharma and your dumb dumbs think he's going to keep recreational pot up to the states?
looks like youll need a new hobby other than growing moldy plants
Do you not agree that the ban was carried out in a callous way and could have been handled better?

Please, just stop, her brainwashing is complete; it'd take a round-the-clock TEAM of psychotherapists to get through to her at this point. Drumpf could 'sign an order' (LOL) tomorrow stating that all women must sew woolen mittens to their vaginas and she'd not only SUPPORT it she'd begin knitting mittens!

Think of it in 'Walking Dead' terms: she's the concubine at Negan's heel, bruised face and smiling/gibbering through tears, all the while eagerly lapping the previous girl's shit from his dick.

Are you aware of the adage "gone, baby, gone"?
Trump met with pharma executives to start process of decreasing costs of medicine. A step in the right direction. They will need to lower prices to compete once he opens border with Canada for generics too.
So you're guessing the outcome of this meeting? I can do that too.
Trump met with pharma executives to start a patent for trump brand pharmaceuticals; mainly used to treat bloating, diarrhea of the mouth, and erectile dysfunction. This all-in-one pill will be simply named "the donald".
The war torn countries full of terrorists also not even Christians are allowed to travel.

Shouldn't you be out protesting?

Poor tampon, duller than mud and half as appealing, tsk tsk tsk.....

Been spreading those cheeks for daddy Drumpf, eh? I heard he hasn't been able to achieve an erection since the 70s, is this true?
Yep, I dig that one. Always reminds me of this one.....
(Plus, I think the Pixies are a much better band than the VF. ;))

Can't fuck with Kim Deal.

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i like the violent femmes more.. but only because the memories of listening to them with certain people.
i got tired of waiting for my next job to call me so im back at my garage now getting stoned and listening to pandora. it got surprisingly warm out and sunny so its a good day. hope next job calls me and says wait til next time lol
thats whats on now
go out and get a better job. if you want to work there is work out there for you. *if you are physically and mentally able* theres a job out there for everyone. people just want to sit around and do the fucking minimum and expect things to go their way. this is the land of opportunity. ive done some terrible fucking shit in my lifetime. i swung back. i never resorted to asking the government or anyone else for money when there is always work out there.
like the illegals. ok deport them if you want to do some serious labor for 8 bucks an hour.
you guys are afraid of muslims and its hilarious.
tell me one thing a muslim personally has done negatively to you.
fuck man... pies in laws are from a country on the ban list i think. its fucking hypocritical and pathetic as fuck she'd be in support of it. all because shes a bitch coward whos afraid of brown people
They are in support of it too. Both Mexican mother and Iraqi father do not want us to take them in.