go out and get a better job. if you want to work there is work out there for you. *if you are physically and mentally able* theres a job out there for everyone. people just want to sit around and do the fucking minimum and expect things to go their way. this is the land of opportunity. ive done some terrible fucking shit in my lifetime. i swung back. i never resorted to asking the government or anyone else for money when there is always work out there.
like the illegals. ok deport them if you want to do some serious labor for 8 bucks an hour.
you guys are afraid of muslims and its hilarious.
tell me one thing a muslim personally has done negatively to you.
fuck man... pies in laws are from a country on the ban list i think. its fucking hypocritical and pathetic as fuck she'd be in support of it. all because shes a bitch coward whos afraid of brown people