O LORD, I know that the way humans act is not under their control. Humans do not direct their steps

i cant remember what else i was going to put i thought it was something i thought was true yet not debatable and easy to understand and know but i can't remember what it was something about how if we were our true self we cant be who we aren't or do what we don't
most of us choose our own destiny.of course where we end up may be the result of a lot of poor choices.people who claim they do not have a choice. that some divine force is controlling them are usually just trying to escape responsibility for their own actions

" LORD, we know that people do not control their own destiny. It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them. " NET Bible Jeremiah 10:23
It is a convenient and comforting fiction of organized religion to tell people their destiny isn't in their own hands. It's told so the organizers of the religion may take those destinies for themselves.

Ignorance is not bliss. It's total vulnerability to any scam artist who happens along. For proof just look at the current administration.
8. But if a soul on entering the body of a man persisteth in its vice, it neither tasteth deathlessness nor shareth in the Good; but speeding back again it turns into the path that leads to creeping things. This is the sentence of the vicious soul.

And the soul's vice is ignorance. For that the soul who hath no knowledge of the things that are, or knowledge of their nature, or of Good, is blinded by the body's passions and tossed about.

This wretched soul, not knowing what she is, becomes the slave of bodies of strange form in sorry plight, bearing the body as a load; not as the ruler, but the ruled. This [ignorance] is the soul's vice.
The Corpus Hermeticum
X. The Key
