Get THC, CBD and other cannabinoids in your meds - Now!


Well-Known Member
Hi all, apologies for the book but this is an important subject and I had to ramble a bit to explain my thoughts on the subject.

I see many postings about CBD strains in particular. Most are looking for the holy grail in seed form with some combination of THC/CBD. While we don't know the "ideal" combination, I think most that have any experience with using MJ as medication would agree that combining some ratio of THC and CBD would be more beneficial than straight up THC or CBD.

I'd like to post a method to get that combination now, rather than waiting for that holy grail pheno and discuss other options/thoughts you may have for medical patients. The issue with seeds is variation can be huge between phenos expressed in the same strain. So finding the "perfect' combination (whatever that is) in a single strain/seed is somewhat like playing the lottery. While I'm pursuing this option, it could take months or more likely years to find that holy grail pheno. Below I'll discuss some options and hopefully get some feedback on other methods/options to get the benefits of all these cannabinoids NOW.

MJ is known to have somewhere in the range of 70-85 different cannabinoids, depending on where you read about them. The most common, talked about are THC and CBD. But others like THCa and THCv have been found to work well for certain ailments. That said, we seem to know very little about how 90% of cannabinoids benefit in medical applications. Never mind how different combinations/ratios of each benefit patients.

I've done a lot of reading on the subject and the only conclusion I have right now is that we have too little fact/study based knowledge on this subject to make informed decisions. There's a lot of anecdotal evidence, there's a lot of speculation, but few facts, particularly long term studies. Hopefully over time, this will change as legalization opens up funding for science-based studies. Be cautious of web sites providing advice on treatments, many I've come across tend to be selling something, a common one is CBD oils for example. The tin-foil hat side of me (and life experience) tells me that anyone selling anything will tend to skew their recommendations towards whatever product they're selling. This is not MJ specific ime, whether you're buying a stereo or a car, the recommendation is typically something the seller has in their inventory, amazing how that works! lol

While this may sound depressing for someone looking to treat themselves, family or friends in a bind, e.g. someone just diagnosed with cancer. There are ways to do this now while we wait for more evidence and better access to tested solutions.

Through testing, trial, error, and observation, I've been treating myself with coconut oil caps for a couple of years. I have lymphoma, a specific type (there are 40+ types of lymphoma) which I'm told by my doctors cannot be cured. Fortunately, it's also one that responds well to treatments, but the last thing I want to go through again is chemo or radiation, nasty shit that pretty well kills you to make you better. So I took on a personal project to treat myself with alternative medicine and become my own guinea pig if you will. Oncologists are probably the worst type of doctor when it comes to bedside manner, they remind me every 6 months at my checkups that it will come back (exactly what someone with cancer wants to hear from the "experts", good thing I'm not prone to depression!). Keep in mind that these are the same "experts" who told me I had 6-12 months... 7 years ago. They're also the experts that look like they've seen a ghost every time I go for checkups. I've told them about my MJ treatments and my main oncologist believes in MJ as a treatment. He does support medical MJ scripts now, so I consider that a win for the cause.

It's important to note that I'm 56 years old, have been through chemo/radiation treatments so strong they'd kill some people. But since the initial treatments, now 7 years ago, I've used nothing but MJ. I'm the only person I know in my age group that isn't on some form of pharma pill. Everyone I know is taking something, many take several pills a day. Part of that is lifestyle choices like eating healthy and exercising regularly, don't underestimate those factors, I believe they contribute as much or more to my well being than the MJ pills. I like to smoke or vape a joint as much as the next guy, but I do it in moderation and balance it with eating well and exercise. I also take regular tolerance breaks which help maintain my tolerance to a level where I'm not having to eat or smoke multiple grams per day. It's amazing what even a few days off do for your tolerance.

This may be a bit controversial but I consider smoking or vaping recreational, while my real meds are my coconut oil caps. Not to minimize the smoking angle as I do have a couple of strains that work well for certain things like my migraines for example (developed severe and regular migraines as a side effect of my chemo treatments). Smoking/vaping the right strain can provide immediate relief in some cases, while I wait for my coco pill to take effect. But I believe the coco pills have a better, longer lasting effect and provide more than a single benefit when using my methods explained below, e.g. getting rid of or managing my migraines.

Continued next post (1,000 character limitation per post)…


Now I'll share what I'm doing now to get as many cannabinoids into my system as possible. All while monitoring new science/facts and continue my breeding and search for the elusive "perfect" strain/pheno (if there is such a thing).

Important to note that anything I'm sharing is specific to me and a few others close to me who have stepped up to test my various concoctions. The one thing I've found with testing is that just like anything else, including pharma meds, the effects can be completely different on two different people. That's where testing and observing the effects on yourself is the most important thing you can do.

As mentioned above, I consider my coconut oil pills my medicine and as you read on you'll realize why. Flowers still play a part but you can't do what I'm explaining with flowers, or at least not as easily or effectively.

I've attached my recipe for coconut oil pills. They utilize dry sift (kief, pollen, whatever term you want to use) because I found that to get consistent dosage and mix strains, it's a great method. Extracting dry sift is also clean (no solvents) and easy/quick for anyone to do. They key imo is the ability to extract many cannabinoids, in a form factor that lends itself well to mixing/combining them into a pill.

First key to this method is access to a variety of strains. I maintain an average of 15-20 strains at any one time. They change regularly, but always 15-20 on the go. Back to the discussion on cannabinoids above, not all strains have all cannabinoids, only specific cannabinoids will show up in varying concentrations across different strains. You don't need to do testing yourself to know this, many postings of lab analysis (of specific strains/phenos) are available on the Internet. Read enough and you'll understand how much MJ can vary across strains and even phenos of the same strain. That's the beauty of MJ but also what makes it difficult to focus in on any single strain for a wide range of benefits. I suggest to extract and store sift/strains separately, then combine the strain/sift to test combinations. Mixing sift (randomly combining strains) has a use but will limit what you can test for specific ailments.

That's where the dry sift and the coco caps come in. There's no rule that you can't combine different sift extracts from different strains. It's the basis of my recommendation in this discussion. The more strains you run, the better chance you'll find the one or combination that will treat your specific ailments. Mixing the sift from two or more strains can provide exactly what you need without having to find "the one" strain from seed. Chasing the holy grail may be fun, but using this method can get you what you need now!

I'm not touting this as "the" answer, what I'm saying is a couple of things. 1) It's difficult and a bit of a long shot trying to find a single strain that contains the cannabinoids you need. 2) This is a method of combining many cannabinoids from different strains, giving you a better chance of finding one that helps your ailments.

This part is still trial and error. What I recommend is to experiment with mixing strains that have specific effects on you. It increases your chances of finding the right combinations based on how the flowers affect you when vaping/smoking. While it's not scientific, there is some methodology.

Some examples of the pills I have today below. The decision to combine specific strains was based on how they affected me when smoking/vaping them. Dosage is something you have to test as it can vary widely person to person. I suggest to make low dose pills like say 30-40mg, try one, then two, then 3 if needed to find your tolerance levels.

Sleeping Pill:
This is one I use specifically as a nighttime pill. It's comprised of sift from indica-dom strains that have a heavier head stone and body stone. 3-4 hours to unmanageable head nod, plus a good 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I've weaned several people off pharma sleeping pills with these.

Migraine Pill:
I was lucky enough to find a Harlequin pheno a couple of years back (ran 5, kept one) which is supposed to have high CBD. While It's yet to be tested in a lab, a home-kit test did confirm CBD content, not accurate by % but confirmed CBD is present, compared to a non-CBD strain which showed no CBD content/colour in the test. I can smoke or vape this pheno for instant relief. In pill form it eliminates the migraine altogether once the pill kicks in. I've mixed this one with a couple of other high THC strains like my Jack The Ripper and it works as well or better combined.

Aches & Pains Pill:
This one combines Harlequin, JTR, and Blue Ripper (Blueberry x JTR) sift and one of the more recent finds. This combination (2x high THC and 1x CBD) goes straight to any muscle pains, arthritis/joint pains and takes care of them for hours. I get lower back pulls from time to time playing sports, to the point of not being able to stand up straight. 100mg of this one takes care of it.

Cancer Management Pill:
This one is just a mix of whatever sift I have, sometimes combining as many as 6x strains. My theory here is to get as many strains into the mix and get the benefit of the combined cannabinoid profile. Since we don't know enough about specific cannabinoids, a mix should capture at least some benefit. This one I take daily unless I'm taking one of the pills above for a specific issue.

That's it folks, download of my current thoughts and findings from my experiences, hopefully this helps the odd person or gives you some ideas. Happy growing/medicating, mix those strains up a bit!
im 60 and take no pharmaceuticals. cannabis got me off hypertension meds and treats my arthritis just fine without chemicals from the drug companies. to bad you could not find any charollets web to add to the mix.i've read that it has a CBD content as high as 20%
im 60 and take no pharmaceuticals. cannabis got me off hypertension meds and treats my arthritis just fine without chemicals from the drug companies. to bad you could not find any charollets web to add to the mix.i've read that it has a CBD content as high as 20%
Cheers Maurice, definitely rare in our age group, I've talked to several folks here that are in our situation and weaned off all pharma meds. But offline I've made it a point to ask people as we chat and haven't found anyone in the 50+ range that isn't on some meds.

That Harlequin is sold as having up to 12% THC/CBD but it's difficult to tell and definitely had significant variations when I ran it from seed. I may run some others but the pheno I have is showing CBD in it so I'm using it to cross with a couple of strains and eventually test the one's I think have a high enough content. There's another called Frank's Gift but available in clone-only which has been tested over 20% CBD and I'd like to grab one of those but it's out of the US so might be difficult to get a hold of here.

I'd like to have a couple of phenos with different THC/CBD combos to test their effects. Once I find enough and do some home testing to determine that they have CBD, I'll pursue lab testing under the medical program. Have a buddy lined up who has a script and can send in lab samples for testing. I won't register under the medical program myself as I don't believe in restricting myself to whatever the government tells me I can do to treat myself.
Thanks for taking the time to share that. My mom is a lymphoma surviver that went the health care route. They said to stop treatment and cash out on insurance but she was determined. She is now a curious case study who should be dead.

So healthy living and more important strong will to succeed is even more important than cannabanoids but I want to share here.

The health care system has only hurt me and I have been ill since I was born. Now I am a medical grower with many strains like you and am making coconut oil with multiple plants close trim and buds for the same reason. As full spectrum of canabanoids and terpenes as I can.

Mrs. MedGrower was just confirmed to have had her PCOS cysts to have shrunk by 40% in the last 6 months and she was waiting for this doctor to see her and start treatment. She only took our coconut oil in the waiting period. There is no doubt what is healing her. I have been trying to increase potency and terpene content all year for my own colon and joint disease.

My problems are from birth and I am older so it is taking longer but I think my very sick and deformed colon is cleaning itself out and healing. Bone spurrs and bad joints. I have less hope for that as they recently had to fuse my poor old mothers neck. I do not use any pharmaceuticals other than ibuprophin. But I want off.

And there are a few doctors in my family. One handles southern Florida's colon surgery and I sure hope I never see Uncle again.

No offense Uncle. ;-)

I am 48 years by the way for reference. And I am the only member of my family not on blood pressure meds. Pot and mountain bikes and Michigan trails through the woods. Less than a year back to normal after diagnosis for me. :-)
Thanks for taking the time to share that. My mom is a lymphoma surviver that went the health care route. They said to stop treatment and cash out on insurance but she was determined. She is now a curious case study who should be dead.

So healthy living and more important strong will to succeed is even more important than cannabanoids but I want to share here.

The health care system has only hurt me and I have been ill since I was born. Now I am a medical grower with many strains like you and am making coconut oil with multiple plants close trim and buds for the same reason. As full spectrum of canabanoids and terpenes as I can.

Mrs. MedGrower was just confirmed to have had her PCOS cysts to have shrunk by 40% in the last 6 months and she was waiting for this doctor to see her and start treatment. She only took our coconut oil in the waiting period. There is no doubt what is healing her. I have been trying to increase potency and terpene content all year for my own colon and joint disease.

My problems are from birth and I am older so it is taking longer but I think my very sick and deformed colon is cleaning itself out and healing. Bone spurrs and bad joints. I have less hope for that as they recently had to fuse my poor old mothers neck. I do not use any pharmaceuticals other than ibuprophin. But I want off.

And there are a few doctors in my family. One handles southern Florida's colon surgery and I sure hope I never see Uncle again.

No offense Uncle. ;-)

I am 48 years by the way for reference. And I am the only member of my family not on blood pressure meds. Pot and mountain bikes and Michigan trails through the woods. Less than a year back to normal after diagnosis for me. :-)
Sounds like you're reaping it's benefits, glad to hear it and good luck to both of you. I don't doubt it's been a big part of my turn around and yeah the healthy living/eating and will to fight is more important. Frame of mind saved my ass imo, wasn't ready to go, the world will have to put up with me for a while longer - lol
there are well over 300 cannabinoids ..that they actually know about...there are more..
I'm sure there's a lot we don't know about it, hadn't seen any references to that many but certainly don't doubt it. Will be interesting to see some more studies, hopefully publicly available and not hidden off somewhere.
Thanks for taking the time to share that. My mom is a lymphoma surviver that went the health care route. They said to stop treatment and cash out on insurance but she was determined. She is now a curious case study who should be dead.

So healthy living and more important strong will to succeed is even more important than cannabanoids but I want to share here.

The health care system has only hurt me and I have been ill since I was born. Now I am a medical grower with many strains like you and am making coconut oil with multiple plants close trim and buds for the same reason. As full spectrum of canabanoids and terpenes as I can.

Mrs. MedGrower was just confirmed to have had her PCOS cysts to have shrunk by 40% in the last 6 months and she was waiting for this doctor to see her and start treatment. She only took our coconut oil in the waiting period. There is no doubt what is healing her. I have been trying to increase potency and terpene content all year for my own colon and joint disease.

My problems are from birth and I am older so it is taking longer but I think my very sick and deformed colon is cleaning itself out and healing. Bone spurrs and bad joints. I have less hope for that as they recently had to fuse my poor old mothers neck. I do not use any pharmaceuticals other than ibuprophin. But I want off.

And there are a few doctors in my family. One handles southern Florida's colon surgery and I sure hope I never see Uncle again.

No offense Uncle. ;-)

I am 48 years by the way for reference. And I am the only member of my family not on blood pressure meds. Pot and mountain bikes and Michigan trails through the woods. Less than a year back to normal after diagnosis for me. :-)
I agree completely. a good diet, exercise and a positive attitude really help/ I was first diagnosed 40 years ago and told that I would be in a wheel chair by my mid 40's. I just turned 60. I ride a bicycle, go for walks and hikes.I may be a little slower but low impact exercise and a positive attitude really help.
im 60 and take no pharmaceuticals. cannabis got me off hypertension meds and treats my arthritis just fine without chemicals from the drug companies. to bad you could not find any charollets web to add to the mix.i've read that it has a CBD content as high as 20%
I got a 10 pack of Wild Cherry seeds a year ago from a company called Greenpoint Seeds at the last High Times Cannibis Cup. Out of the 10 seeds I only managed to get 1 female that's now a mother and one plant was grown to harvest.

Greenpoint is saying they are sold out at this time. Tree of Life is selling them - They state the following information for Cherry Wine:
"Potency- 15%-25% CBD. 0-.3% THC (depending on time of harvest and climate variables)

I'm VERY inerested in learning all I can in the areas of making cannabis in salve and tincture format. For the past 8 years I've been making my own cannabis pills by vaporizing the herb two times then grinding to power for caplets. They work very well, but I hate the pot burps!
haven't found anyone in the 50+ range that isn't on some meds.
I haven't taken a pharmaceutical in about 5 years. I threw out 3 different anti-depressants, an anti-anxiety pill, two painkillers and a cholesterol prescription one morning and have used cannabis exclusively since. I threw out my health card at the same time and refuse to see any doctor. Zero trust / zero respect.
I'm no expert on various strains to treat particular symptoms, but if it dulls the arthritis pain and improves my's doing better than any of the pills did.
I haven't taken a pharmaceutical in about 5 years. I threw out 3 different anti-depressants, an anti-anxiety pill, two painkillers and a cholesterol prescription one morning and have used cannabis exclusively since. I threw out my health card at the same time and refuse to see any doctor. Zero trust / zero respect.
I'm no expert on various strains to treat particular symptoms, but if it dulls the arthritis pain and improves my's doing better than any of the pills did.
Glad to hear that, exactly what I try and talk to people about, these meds work better in many cases than pharma pills without the side effects or addictions that go with them. Even low dosages work for pain and don't even get you "high" in the same way smoking it does. My GF hates the feeling of getting high but the low dose pills got her off any meds she was taking.

One of the most frustrating things with some folks is getting past the "evil weed" syndrome that's been around for so many years or even equating edibles with smoking, it's not the same in controlled dosage. The one's that can past that tend to convert really quick once they realize it's not the evil weed it's made out to be #$%!
you mention dry sifting, and coconut canna oil.
you sift your hash then cook it into butter or something?
do you decarb?

that's one thing i was pondering while making some bubble hash the other day; we need to decarboxylate cooking meds.. but how come you can get a contact high while trimming?

**NM i missed the PDF with the great instructions :-o
you mention dry sifting, and coconut canna oil.
you sift your hash then cook it into butter or something?
do you decarb?

that's one thing i was pondering while making some bubble hash the other day; we need to decarboxylate cooking meds.. but how come you can get a contact high while trimming?

**NM i missed the PDF with the great instructions :-o
"completely dry" herb is said to be decared ...................but it has to be dry.
HEAT only speeds up the process.
Cooking naturally decarbs for you....
you mention dry sifting, and coconut canna oil.
you sift your hash then cook it into butter or something?
do you decarb?

that's one thing i was pondering while making some bubble hash the other day; we need to decarboxylate cooking meds.. but how come you can get a contact high while trimming?

**NM i missed the PDF with the great instructions :-o
Typically you want to decarb anything you're not going to burn or cook. In this process you start with a decarb of the sift, then cook it twice with the oil at a lower temperature. You could argue that the 2x cooks would decarb it, but I get consistently good and strong meds with this recipe so I don't screw with that part ;)

Here's the .pdf if you're interested. I have played with the cooking times, if you add 5 minutes to the decarb and cooking times it tends to be more sedative. I do that for the "sleeping" pills.

