@Flaming Pie , is this where you got your alternate "news" from?
Breitbart isn't a legitimate news source, sorry to burst your bubble kid. Or maybe you watched something like this:

(WARNING: do not click on the first link or video for actual news. It is alt-right propaganda and has been known to kill brain cells and give the viewer a victim mentality)

Here's some actual news for you OP. You might need an adult to help you read it to sound out all the big words:
Wow, just for a grin I read the Breitbart "article". It is like reading Highlights News for Fascist Children. Not a fact in sight.
It gets better. Here is Jesse Richman, the guy who's work is the "basis" for the article.

"A study published more than two years ago on voting activity by non-citizens has thrust a Virginia professor into the national spotlight, but he’s not happy about it.

“We wish Donald Trump would stop citing our work,” said Jesse Richman, an associated professor of political science at Old Dominion University.

The president and his administration have cited Richman’s 2014 study to claim as many as 3 million votes were illegally cast in favor of Hillary Clinton, which would tip the popular vote total in favor of Trump, who of course won the electoral vote.

Trump has said he’ll order a “major investigation” into voter fraud, which he’s been complaining about since before the Nov. 8 election, based on the study and the observations of a friend.

There’s one major problem, though — Richman said Trump, and nearly everyone else, have twisted his conclusions into fantasy.

“First of all, he’s confusing our study with another study, and then he’s flipping ours around and exaggerating the most extreme estimates from it,” Richman told The Virginian-Pilot.

A 2012 study by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that 1.8 million dead voters remained on the rolls and that millions of other voter records were out of date, but that research did not address whether that resulted in fraudulent ballots being cast."


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Paste seems to not be working right for me.
From the article directly:

"However, Richman rejects Trump’s theory, stating in his paper that it was “not at all plausible that non-citizen votes account for the entire nation-wide popular vote margin held by Clinton.”

So in the breitbart article the writer of the study that trump is referencing even states that what trump is saying is not a plausible conclusion.
That just means that I was correct in my previous assumptions, people that read breitbart only read the title of the article and then strait to YouTube to confirm their biases.
From the article directly:

"However, Richman rejects Trump’s theory, stating in his paper that it was “not at all plausible that non-citizen votes account for the entire nation-wide popular vote margin held by Clinton.”

So in the breitbart article the writer of the study that trump is referencing even states that what trump is saying is not a plausible conclusion.
That just means that I was correct in my previous assumptions, people that read breitbart only read the title of the article and then strait to YouTube to confirm their biases.
They are not very smart and did not apply themselves in school. But now they are adults with adult brains so they mistakenly think they know something about politics and government. TRUMP! loves the under-educated. Trump loves @Flaming Pie - but he does not respect her.

Ok little fella, I'll grace you with some badly needed attention that'll hopefully end your incessant pining for me. You seem to not be able to differentiate between being considered physically/'legally' disabled and actually being a 'ward' of the state/collecting a disability check.
Think hard, pooey, I mean really stretch the limits of your intellect (LOL).....what sort of unfortunate situation might a person or persons be involved in that would result in, say, a windfall of cash or what is known as 'lifetime compensation'? Go ahead, take a minute and really think on it. For a financial guru such as yourself that has mastered the penny/silver trade, it should be a cinch.

Never been the brightest bulb, eh pooey?

Any other personal business/creeeeepy obsessions to tend to, sweetheart? Maybe you'd like to REALLY lose what's left of your mind/dignity (very little, at this point) and look at some pics of my home, property, bank statements, etc.?
Matter of fact, can we hear more about @UncleBuck 's mortgages and personal life? ...What about @tangerinegreen555 's facial hair and/or how you most certainly did NOT vote a senile fascist into office?

You should feel flattered that I honored your obsession with a thorough reply. I'll now take my leave from interacting with you/fueling your envy psychosis. Feel free to reply with "nice meltdown" or some other stock response. Also, get some professional help, eh?
Seriously though; why are you even here?

  1. mad; insane.
    "a deranged gunman"
    synonyms: insane, mad, disturbed, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, irrational;
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@Flaming Pie , is this where you got your alternate "news" from?
Breitbart isn't a legitimate news source, sorry to burst your bubble kid. Or maybe you watched something like this:

(WARNING: do not click on the first link or video for actual news. It is alt-right propaganda and has been known to kill brain cells and give the viewer a victim mentality)

Here's some actual news for you OP. You might need an adult to help you read it to sound out all the big words:
800k illegal voters was reported on washington times and breitbart references them. I did not read about it on breitbart.

Check the news lately. Many states are reporting hundreds of thousands of dead people on voter rolls and 1000s of illegals on voter rolls.

Plus there are the videos of people describing how they bus people from location to location to vote illegally.
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800k illegal voters was reported on washington times and breitbart references them. I did not read about it on breitbart.

Check the news lately. Many states are reporting hundreds of thousands of dead people on voter rolls and 1000s of illegals on voter rolls.

Plus there are the videos of people describing how they bus people from location to location to vote illegally.
Link to article that states what you are saying. I found some and posted, all which said the number 800,000 is trump misreading a study. Even the writers of that study told him he is wrong and to stop quoting them. I will patiently be awaiting your "news source" where you gathered this information.
The highlighted section is laughable. Don't you see that those that enforce these barbaric immigration laws are they themselves engaging in bigotry? The only thing you have to do to make it about what trump and the Republican Party is currently doing is change the world "Americans" to "human beings".
Um no. They are protecting americans from a culture halfway round the world that still views shariah as acceptable to implement even if it oppresses or hurts women and gays.
The highlighted section is laughable. Don't you see that those that enforce these barbaric immigration laws are they themselves engaging in bigotry? The only thing you have to do to make it about what trump and the Republican Party is currently doing is change the world "Americans" to "human beings".

You aren't still trying to shine the flashlight of truth between her ears, are you? ;)

I spent a few months making the effort, in vain. The lights are on but nobody's home. She's got a heap of easily diagnosable disorders and needs years of therapy.
Link to article that states what you are saying. I found some and posted, all which said the number 800,000 is trump misreading a study. Even the writers of that study told him he is wrong and to stop quoting them. I will patiently be awaiting your "news source" where you gathered this information.
Of course they are. They are shitting themselves and want him to stop digging!

Jills recount found fraud in favor of hillary in battleground states. They didnt look at the rest of the states.
You aren't still trying to shine the flashlight of truth between her ears, are you? ;)

I spent a few months making the effort, in vain. The lights are on but nobody's home. She's got a heap of easily diagnosable disorders and needs years of therapy.
Yeah but it's still interesting to glimpse into the mind of madness. If only to better garner an understanding of how to stop trump.
Link to article please. Until then your statements are unverifiable and alternative-facts.

"The problems were the worst in Detroit, where discrepancies meant officials couldn’t recount votes in 392 precincts, or nearly 60 percent. And two-thirds of those precincts had too many votes."

"We found through a subscription with social security administration over 480 thousand dead people on our voter rolls,” Johnson said. “That's never good. Your qualified voter file has to be clean.”

It's just the beginning. Fasten your seat belt.