MORE jealousy-based projection, pooey? Tsk tsk tsk....unlike you and 98% of the other angry, dickless Drumpf drones that teeter on the edge of sanity, I don't rely on any sort of state/gov aide.

While on the subject of (your) miserable existence and abject poverty, you should ask UB, Tangerine, etc. about my "trailer home", if you're curious, that is.

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Please, get some help, pooey....if not for yourself at least do it for that other redneck's kid that you are 'raising'.
LOL, she looks pissed in that picture. Is that @Flaming Pie when her man was busted for stealing from the government?
Dude, that's a rat. Get it together man. All balls are not alike.
mouse ball
don't have a meltdown about the fact that you are a holocaust denier who hates jews, just join the klan.
Look man, I'm giving you free advice, stop with the race baiting garbage and calling everyone racists. It lost you an election, probably not smart to keep alienating the same people that have already demonstrated that they can fuck your life up. Just be smart man, you've got 1452 days to figure something out that actually works.
Look man, I'm giving you free advice, stop with the race baiting garbage and calling everyone racists. It lost you an election, probably not smart to keep alienating the same people that have already demonstrated that they can fuck your life up. Just be smart man, you've got 1452 days to figure something out that actually works.

i'm a white man, you ain't gonna fuck my life up.

but you already managed to make it more expensive for americans to buy homes while funneling more money to those bankers (and i'm guessing you have an opinion about which religion controls the banks).

not to mention you're gonna make food more expensive for americans too.

but hey, if your hate boner against jews is that bad then you'll ignore all of that.
domestic violence would explain why twopump's first wife left him.

He got not only ONE but TWO women to marry him?? LOL! Yikes.

His winning personality, racism, Islamophobia, ingrained anger, intellect, and penny/silver hoarding must have charmed their pants off...

On that note - time for dinner & shower followed by the cocktail hour ~
I'm like 99% sure that's a chick btw. Sports bra brah
Nobody cares what you think. 99.99999% of everything you post is wrong. Like voter fraud. Parroted from Breitbart. LOL

There’s a reason Trump keeps lying about voter fraud

No doubt realizing that he was losing the cable-news message war, President Trump has called for a witch hunt in an attempt to prove the voter fraud lie he has been telling himself about why he lost the popular vote in November.

On both sides of the aisle, conventional wisdom chalks this up to the president being a very insecure person struggling with the reality that 54 percent of American voters chose someone else, but that doesn’t give the president his due. Trump’s staggering inferiority complex clearly is just one of two reasons he’s telling the biggest version yet of a lie that his party has been telling about voter fraud for years. The other reason is that he’d like his party to win the 2018 midterm elections and he’d like to be reelected in 2020, and to do those things he needs to suppress voter turnout.

Americans are struck by lightning with greater frequency than they commit voter impersonation fraud, and that’s the only kind of fraud that photo ID requirements could have any hope of preventing. Photo ID is often referred to as a solution in search of a problem, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. It actually solves a huge problem for Republicans. Minorities, women, the poor and the disabled are all less likely to have state-issued photo identification. They also have a nasty habit of voting Democratic. When they can’t vote, problem solved.

i'm a white man, you ain't gonna fuck my life up.

but you already managed to make it more expensive for americans to buy homes while funneling more money to those bankers (and i'm guessing you have an opinion about which religion controls the banks).

not to mention you're gonna make food more expensive for americans too.

but hey, if your hate boner against jews is that bad then you'll ignore all of that.
Holy shit, you can't even help yourself. Work on arguments man, free advice again, you're going to lose again and I'm trying to give you a fair shake. 8 years could mean even more justices on the Supreme Court, the Democratic party is quickly becoming a regional club, you've either got to quit or change brands.
Holy shit, you can't even help yourself. Work on arguments man, free advice again, you're going to lose again and I'm trying to give you a fair shake. 8 years could mean even more justices on the Supreme Court, the Democratic party is quickly becoming a regional club, you've either got to quit or change brands.

a holocaust denier is telling me to work on my arguments.
Holy shit, you can't even help yourself. Work on arguments man, free advice again, you're going to lose again and I'm trying to give you a fair shake. 8 years could mean even more justices on the Supreme Court, the Democratic party is quickly becoming a regional club, you've either got to quit or change brands.
Being nice and agreeable worked wonders this election for Republicans.

Too funny this.
Nobody cares what you think. 99.99999% of everything you post is wrong. Like voter fraud. Parroted from Breitbart. LOL

There’s a reason Trump keeps lying about voter fraud

No doubt realizing that he was losing the cable-news message war, President Trump has called for a witch hunt in an attempt to prove the voter fraud lie he has been telling himself about why he lost the popular vote in November.

On both sides of the aisle, conventional wisdom chalks this up to the president being a very insecure person struggling with the reality that 54 percent of American voters chose someone else, but that doesn’t give the president his due. Trump’s staggering inferiority complex clearly is just one of two reasons he’s telling the biggest version yet of a lie that his party has been telling about voter fraud for years. The other reason is that he’d like his party to win the 2018 midterm elections and he’d like to be reelected in 2020, and to do those things he needs to suppress voter turnout.

Americans are struck by lightning with greater frequency than they commit voter impersonation fraud, and that’s the only kind of fraud that photo ID requirements could have any hope of preventing. Photo ID is often referred to as a solution in search of a problem, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. It actually solves a huge problem for Republicans. Minorities, women, the poor and the disabled are all less likely to have state-issued photo identification. They also have a nasty habit of voting Democratic. When they can’t vote, problem solved.


read: "DON'T ACTUALLY CHECK THE REGISTRIES!" Nothing to hide, nothing to fear right? It's certainly not going to hurt anything, just let him be insecure. And the photo ID thing is basically an open invitation for voter fraud. Are cigarettes and booze sales discriminatory? Give me a break man.

Oh, and that .0000001% must have been the post I made about Trump winning back in June of 2015.
read: "DON'T ACTUALLY CHECK THE REGISTRIES!" Nothing to hide, nothing to fear right? It's certainly not going to hurt anything, just let him be insecure. And the photo ID thing is basically an open invitation for voter fraud. Are cigarettes and booze sales discriminatory? Give me a break man.

Oh, and that .0000001% must have been the post I made about Trump winning back in June of 2015.
Dude, you have it wrong on many accounts but the biggest one is your confusion over the difference between messed up voting registration records and actual voting fraud. Even after five years of scrutinizing voting records, Bush jr's investigation mostly found errors in their own accounting. Practically every case of fraud they found and prosecuted turned out to be their error.

This is a common problem with pseudo logic. Psuedo logic begins with a premise and then looks for evidence to back it up. It's wrong headed and rots the brain. Which explains a lot about your posts.

Face it boi, you were shagged.