Public education is about to take a big hit !!!

Polititians write legislation and such to support their own agenda. They add wording and consessions so that people will say it sounds like a good idea. This shit happening here is the Republicans want control of the education system and they are selling it to you as choice.

those evil republicans, doing shit today in politics that has never been done in the history of politics...they should just have left the liberals in control, you know, because that's hat the liberals did when they were in control. full retard huh? looks good on you.
You have no choice but to fund the government school system. What's wrong with choice?
if i had a choice more tax money would go to education. Then we could both have our way.

those evil republicans, doing shit today in politics that has never been done in the history of politics...they should just have left the liberals in control, you know, because that's hat the liberals did when they were in control. full retard huh? looks good on you.
it doesn't matter to me who does it, evil is evil; it's wrong biggly. idon't think what they are doing is evil. it's shady to obfuscate the truth and the facts to get your way. and then when getting your way means people and our nation suffer then i vote against it and i hope others do too.
i don't think liberals are in control but i can find a lot of propaganda that suggests that they are.
just because i am retarded doesn't mean i'm not smarter then you crapseed
if i had a choice more tax money would go to education. Then we could both have our way.

it doesn't matter to me who does it, evil is evil; it's wrong biggly. idon't think what they are doing is evil. it's shady to obfuscate the truth and the facts to get your way. and then when getting your way means people and our nation suffer then i vote against it and i hope others do too.
i don't think liberals are in control but i can find a lot of propaganda that suggests that they are.
just because i am retarded doesn't mean i'm not smarter then you crapseed
um, ok. that post was nothing BUT obfuscation.
if i had a choice more tax money would go to education. Then we could both have our way.

You have that choice. Just donate. If you had the power you would make others pay more for your ideal......trying to wrap that in pretty choice wrapping paper isn't working.
You have that choice. Just donate. If you had the power you would make others pay more for your ideal......trying to wrap that in pretty choice wrapping paper isn't working.
that would requires making a concerted effort. it's easier to whine about shit. and as anyone knows, throwing money at govt programs directly correlates to it's success.
i remember from one town hall he said:

3 main functions of gov't was protection by the military, education and healthcare.


1) Military? Per it's Constitution - The United States was not supposed to have a standing army (military).

2) Education? Force funding of "education" can only mean the proper term to use is, indoctrination.

3) Healthcare? Pffft. A government which forcibly compels a person to buy something like healthcare is engaging in FASCISM ...which is unhealthy.
You have that choice. Just donate. If you had the power you would make others pay more for your ideal......trying to wrap that in pretty choice wrapping paper isn't working.
No i mean more American tax dollars that are already collected could go towards education with only benifit as a result. And i would support a a few pennys more in new tax and I'm on a tight budget. Your the ones trying to make others pay for your ideal and you don't even understand what your hero officials are really up to. And yes, exactly ,you said it; trying to wrap that in a pretty choice sandwich is not working.
that would requires making a concerted effort. it's easier to whine about shit. and as anyone knows, throwing money at govt programs directly correlates to it's success.
What effort do you put out troll? What are some government programs you think are overfunded to no avail. The drug war is futile and completely different than education. Government is failing worse then education right now maybe instead of fixing it we should throw it out and fund private governments - oh sorry public governments, that only support our personal views .
No i mean more American tax dollars that are already collected could go towards education with only benifit as a result. And i would support a a few pennys more in new tax and I'm on a tight budget. Your the ones trying to make others pay for your ideal and you don't even understand what your hero officials are really up to. And yes, exactly ,you said it; trying to wrap that in a pretty choice sandwich is not working.

Are you saying a voucher comes out of a new tax pool? Please clarify.
You have that choice. Just donate. If you had the power you would make others pay more for your ideal......trying to wrap that in pretty choice wrapping paper isn't working.

raped and enslaved by property taxes. will you ever catch a break, or just remain a victim forever?
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1) Military? Per it's Constitution - The United States was not supposed to have a standing army (military).

2) Education? Force funding of "education" can only mean the proper term to use is, indoctrination.

3) Healthcare? Pffft. A government which forcibly compels a person to buy something like 3)healthcare is engaging in FASCISM ...which is unhealthy.
I think Obama care could be fixed. Healthcare is a human right and what good is a government if it can't help with things like that but making it manditory takes away peoples right to gamble there own budget. I don't think enough people are gonna not pay for services that they do get from Doctors and hospitals that it will leave less people covered. So it is a bit facist. So where the drone policys and the spying and deportation and what all Obama did to set us closer to a police state and people bought it cause its cool if your big brother got your back but now the racist uncle is in charge and he will abuse it all and implement more facist polices becuase he has half the countrys support so its cool.
2) what is force funded? What is force funding? You think that we should pay taxes but they shouldn't go to public schools? Are public schools teaching falicys that they should not like how america was founded? Yeah but that can be fixed. Should we not fix it, take away its funding for it and give it to school that teach whatever they want including ten times more falicy and half the RRR?
1)we should have an army that serves the people. We have an army that mostly services corporations nugatory to the long term interests of the planet. Thats one reason people hate u.s. and i would argue this makes us less stable in the shorter term
I think Obama care could be fixed. Healthcare is a human right and what good is a government if it can't help with things like that but making it manditory takes away peoples right to gamble there own budget. I don't think enough people are gonna not pay for services that they do get from Doctors and hospitals that it will leave less people covered. So it is a bit facist. So where the drone policys and the spying and deportation and what all Obama did to set us closer to a police state and people bought it cause its cool if your big brother got your back but now the racist uncle is in charge and he will abuse it all and implement more facist polices becuase he has half the countrys support so its cool.
2) what is force funded? What is force funding? You think that we should pay taxes but they shouldn't go to public schools? Are public schools teaching falicys that they should not like how america was founded? Yeah but that can be fixed. Should we not fix it, take away its funding for it and give it to school that teach whatever they want including ten times more falicy and half the RRR?
1)we should have an army that serves the people. We have an army that mostly services corporations nugatory to the long term interests of the planet. Thats one reason people hate u.s. and i would argue this makes us less stable in the shorter term

Thanks for presenting your views, but I'm afraid I'd rather make up my own mind how I will run my's my "human right" to self determine.

A person has the right to tend to their own healthcare and to the healthcare of anyone who wants and agrees to their help, but not to impose their views on another. You, nor I , have any right to force anybody to buy something they prefer not to, none. If we do, can you explain where that right comes from?

I'm not a Trump fan, but I think he is less likely to get involved in world domination / empire building than Hillary would or Obama did. He very well may be a racist, so we could agree there.

Forced funding? Taxation is a form of theft, because it relies on the same means as theft, taking something which belongs to another without that persons express permission. People have a right to self determine, but no right to forcibly impose on another persons justly acquired property or force them to pay for things they don't want etc.

We should have an Army? I don't want one and don't support it, especially as a tool of offensive mayhem. Not that I'm a fan of the Constitution, (it assumes all people consent to it, and they don't) but it does prohibit the USA from having a standing army.
Who is "we" and does that "we" become a "we" thru the amalgamation of people on a consenting basis of every individual affected or does it arise from some form of capture of people?
Thanks for presenting your views, but I'm afraid I'd rather make up my own mind how I will run my's my "human right" to self determine.
---sure me to

A person has the right to tend to their own healthcare and to the healthcare of anyone who wants and agrees to their help, but not to impose their views on another. You, nor I , have any right to force anybody to buy something they prefer not to, none. If we do, can you explain where that right comes from?
--- ithink we agree here

I'm not a Trump fan, but I think he is less likely to get involved in world domination / empire building than Hillary would or Obama did. He very well may be a racist, so we could agree there.
---to say I'm not a trump fan is like saying I'm not a rape fan to me.
He is all about skeezing off the world maybe more then dominating it he will leave that to your mike pences so he can go back to his "empire"

Forced funding? Taxation is a form of theft, because it relies on the same means as theft, taking something which belongs to another without that persons express permission. People have a right to self determine, but no right to forcibly impose on another persons justly acquired property or force them to pay for things they don't want etc.
--ok well i find it hard to argue as i agree. But i pay mine and will tell my kids that taxes are to support the government and government is to support the people, ideally. What really goes on and how it started are not as ideal.

We should have an Army? I don't want one and don't support it, especially as a tool of offensive mayhem. Not that I'm a fan of the Constitution, (it assumes all people consent to it, and they don't) but it does prohibit the USA from having a standing army.
Who is "we" and does that "we" become a "we" thru the amalgamation of people on a consenting basis of every individual affected or does it arise from some form of capture of people?

I responded to your last post in qoute with-- Nice talking to you:joint:
I disagree about the army but like where you are with your view of it.
An army can be a symbol of war ect. But can also be a force for good.
We would be cripled in this modern world without military.
We could treat our military like a cdc combined with an army corp of engineers combined with an epa combined with a think tank ect. Have it be building and maintaining and problem solving at home and abroad. That's what alot of americans believe it is for now and to a degree it is but it is also a rebranded war machine. And a big corupt police department.
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1) Military? Per it's Constitution - The United States was not supposed to have a standing army (military).

2) Education? Force funding of "education" can only mean the proper term to use is, indoctrination.

3) Healthcare? Pffft. A government which forcibly compels a person to buy something like healthcare is engaging in FASCISM ...which is unhealthy.
Have you decided how you will file this year ?
A voucher, now , in my understanding would come out of the already languishing funds for existing public schools. The kind anyone can go to and the poor have to go to now.

I don't get why you're throwing around "the poor" have to go there. Most people go there. What point is that other than to tug an emotion? The poor can take their voucher elsewhere or choose to stay, can they not?
Thanks for presenting your views, but I'm afraid I'd rather make up my own mind how I will run my's my "human right" to self determine.

A person has the right to tend to their own healthcare and to the healthcare of anyone who wants and agrees to their help, but not to impose their views on another. You, nor I , have any right to force anybody to buy something they prefer not to, none. If we do, can you explain where that right comes from?

I'm not a Trump fan, but I think he is less likely to get involved in world domination / empire building than Hillary would or Obama did. He very well may be a racist, so we could agree there.

Forced funding? Taxation is a form of theft, because it relies on the same means as theft, taking something which belongs to another without that persons express permission. People have a right to self determine, but no right to forcibly impose on another persons justly acquired property or force them to pay for things they don't want etc.

We should have an Army? I don't want one and don't support it, especially as a tool of offensive mayhem. Not that I'm a fan of the Constitution, (it assumes all people consent to it, and they don't) but it does prohibit the USA from having a standing army.
Who is "we" and does that "we" become a "we" thru the amalgamation of people on a consenting basis of every individual affected or does it arise from some form of capture of people?

Good point about taxes. Should we all now follow California's example. That would be swell to withdraw support for each thing we didn't agree with, Like California is proposing to do; now wouldn't it?