Random Jibber Jabber Thread

i thought long and hard about sobriety and I waged it on a sexygirl.

I can't put happiness into one person4

I love her tho

or what a shitty human thinks is love

I do coke
I hate people and I have different deals happening that wilk probably end in an ass kicking.

bring a gun

done and done yo yo

I will get hurt during tese late night o dos
My dealer knows these kids who ran up on me

Im going to bash the biggeat one ofthem then pull a ting on thwm andtake their fuxkin clothes

Niggas run up on me like I don't run my tings.

I smoke crack rocks harder them d'en
I am not even easily set off but I do not get 3 faggy ass vros running up on me saying im acaring someone I don't even know.

They came out out my homies trap so its a beef with tgis methy who i already dealt qith.

Theae kids want to get shot. "Oh I'll be in your house tonight"

Like what? Watch a quick crack deal is turning into a tripple murder and a touch of sodomy​