Bubbleponics growing slow NOOB

No root issues. I just like to get them rinsed once in a while. I have a hose in my room with a spray nozzle so its not much extra work. I've had healthy roots for not using bennies or sterilizers doing this, ive never done side by sides to see if its worth it. But aint broke dont fix it.

No offense meant, just saying if youre concerned about costs you are running one of the more expensive nutrient lines.

Ive ran GH, Ionic, Heavy 16, Cultured Solutions, Dynagro and I wish I threw them in the garbage sooner. You're stuck with the measurements in the bottle.

Im not using garbage either I just dont like paying for watered down nutrients with fancy labels. JR Peters is well respected in the horticulture world and isnt a "cannabis" brand of nutrients such as AN.

No dis-respect implied but I've run many different nutes over the 5 decades I've grown pot as an amateur grower. I've always looked for the easiest and least expensive way to grow and AN nutes really fits my grow style and pocket book.

AN base nutes are the same price as GH and worth much more just for the included stuff. GH has always been the cheapest option because they use the cheapest and most contaminated bulk minerals to produce their crappy nutes.

General Hydroponics is their name because they make nutes for General Hydroponic growing. They, like others have fought against AN to hide their real deal that they were trying to sell nutes to pot growers.

Learn some history about how cannabis prohibition came about.

AN base nutes are the same price as GH and worth much more just for the included stuff. GH has always been the cheapest option because they use the cheapest and most contaminated bulk minerals to produce their crappy nutes.

enlighten us. what company does AN get their potassium nitrate from? what company does GH get theirs from?
I find it hard to believe AN and GH are the same price. And if they are how does AN use better,ingredients than GH and pay for cooler labels,and,better advertisement and still compete at the same price.

That doesnt even make sense.
In the hydro shops I've been in the basic 3 - part nutes from GH, AN and others are all about the same price. Along with the pH Perfect aspect AN adds a few other, useful things to their base nutes like Wet Betty,(a surfactant that helps it absorb quickly into any soil/soilless media),

"pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom is a 3-part premium base nutrient trio precisely formulated to give your high-value crops the exact nutrient ratios and concentrations they need. No competitor offers this full spectrum of quality ingredients. When pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom is fed to your plants, they benefit from an unmatched array of amino acids. You’ll also witness amazing results from the fulvic acid and powerful non-ionic surfactant, which form a multi-stage delivery matrix to ensure your plants absorb everything. And the powerful chelation guarantees that every nutrient is more available to your plants’ precious roots than ever before. And that’s not all: pH Perfect® Technology works around the clock to calibrate and adjust the pH for you, so you never have to use meters or add harsh pH-adjusting chemicals ever again. And as always, if you’re not thrilled with your results using pH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom, you get 100% of your money back because of our Grower Guarantee!"

That's some hype from AN but does illustrate some of the reasons I like their stuff.

If you're like me and like to help new growers get their shit together and grow decent plants you will have noticed that pH issues are one of the main things that cause problems. Most of those issues are because of the water they use on their plants. pH Perfect nutes overcome many of those issues. I use RO water only so I never have to worry about my water being a problem. We have about 15 of those 20L jugs that cost $3 each to refill and $15 each to buy. I'm not on town water and we get our house water from a large dugout on my property. It's over 400ppm and at a pH of 8.5 so we don't drink it nor would I use it to water my plants.

I don't buy into all the hype AN uses to sell their stuff but like them for the simplicity of their basic nutes. The money you save by not having to buy a pH pen and the other stuff like storage sol'n, calibration sol'n etc will buy you enough nutes to grow a few thousand dollars worth of pot. Not to mention all the time you save not f'ing around trying to keep your pH right which 90% of people do wrong in the first place. pH is the most complex detail any of us have to deal with and to eliminate that from our growing is huge.

I used to live 15 minutes down the road from AN's first production place. I've shot pool with Big Mike and hung out with the people that worked for him. They actually believed in doing right by the cannabis culture and since their inception have promoted their products specifically to grow pot. Who else has done that? Nobody!

Just that alone is enough to sway me to their side. I had enough of their first generation nutes to last for 10 years and held off on trying the pH Perfect stuff until about 4 years ago and not worrying about pH is another huge plus for me.

I grew my first real buds back in '78 in 5gal buckets of dirt and sheep shit from my father-in-law's farm in Delburne, AB. Since then I have invested a huge proportion of my life into growing and studying all aspects of growing pot. I'm still in awe of many of the growers to be found here and in other forums. I can't give anyone great advice about how to setup a huge grow-op but I can confidently guide any grower how to get great results from the start.

My basic advise for any, non-organic freak grower are these.

Use RO or distilled water only.
Avoid grow media like Miracle-Gro or their garbage nutes.
Buy the basic pH Perfect nutes for soil/soilless growing or hydro.
Establish a decent environment to grow plants.

Follow those basic guidelines and I can guarantee success to anyone that is setting off to make themselves self-sufficient in growing their own meds. There are a thousand other things you can do to improve your grow but all but really stupid people will figure it out as they go along.

Ignorance is just a lack of knowledge. Stupidity is a lack of the intelligence needed to become knowledgeable.

Get more knowledge here!

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS . I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as many are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

^^^^^ does AN pay you by the word or per post?

care to answer my question: what is the company that makes ANs potassium nitrate? what is the company that makes GHs potassium nitrate?
^^^^^ does AN pay you by the word or per post?

care to answer my question: what is the company that makes ANs potassium nitrate? what is the company that makes GHs potassium nitrate?

You are being a real douche-bag about this. I'm not saying AN is the best way to grow your pot but it's about the easiest way to get the job done for new growers and has some seriously good stuff for those that want to soup up their grows.

I don't buy into all the hype but if you use a few basic things you are sure of good results with the least effort or worries.

I'll be damned if I bother spending any more time discussing this with you. Kind of like trying to get a Catholic to become a Protestant. Same God, different hell. :D
too funny! so i call you out on your bullshit claim that GH is garbage nutes and ask you to back it up with proof and you call me a douche?

tell Big Mike you lost another sale.
So where is your proof of whatever you think works?

Anyone can get decent results from any nutes if they know what they are doing.

It's a lot easier if you start with something that works out of the gate.

Douche might have been the wrong word. Asshole may have been a better fit. ;)
Seriously, come on guys. I really appreciate everyones advice and will listen to your opinions, but this is getting ridiculous.
Each have made some good points and all of your advice has got me on the right track...I hope.
I didn't pay attention in science class back in the 80's and I'm kicking myself now, but you guys are really helping me. I have learned a LOT in the past couple weeks/months.

You know what I'm using, so can we keep it to that please?

Again, I value all of your input, but no need to keep one upping.
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So where is your proof of whatever you think works?

Anyone can get decent results from any nutes if they know what they are doing.

It's a lot easier if you start with something that works out of the gate.

Douche might have been the wrong word. Asshole may have been a better fit. ;)

Well we never made the claim GH has lesser quality nutrients than AN. Or in,your words garbage. So we dont need to defend our words.

I dont like AN for the same reason I dont like bottled nutrients of any brand. Too pricey.

Ill keep my yara liva calcium nitrate, my haifa mkp, and jr peters hi K mix with micros. All junk brands.
Seriously, come on guys. I really appreciate everyones advice and will listen to your opinions, but this is getting ridiculous.
Each have made some good points and all of your advice has got me on the right track...I hope.
I didn't pay attention in science class back in the 80's and I'm kicking myself now, but you guys are really helping me.

You know what I'm using, so can we keep it to that please?

Again, I value all of your input, but no need to keep one upping.

Sorry to get off-topic but what was the topic again? ;)
You know what I'm using, so can we keep it to that please?

that's what i'm doing. flora duo are awesome nutes. i know i told you i use at 1:3 ratio for bloom but if want to follow the Lucas formula exactly use at 5mL A/ 17 mLB per gallon.

and just one last thing for the AN shill, there are 3 main manufacturers of base fertilizer: Dow, AkzoNobel and Haifa. almost all nutes use from one or all of these companies. you said it best,Stupidity is a lack of the intelligence needed to become knowledgeable.
ill stay out of everything else as much good advice has been passed around, but where do you get those nutes?

also, thanks for the entertainment guys.

I sourced the mkp and cano3 from hydro-gardens dot com.

25lb bag of cano3 ran me like $25 or 30 I forget. But I only use 2.4g/gal at full strength it will last years.

Mkp was like $10 or $15 for 5lb. At 0.5g/gal over an average of 3 weeks of the crop this will last years as well.

The mix is their 5-12-26 and they sell 25lb bags for like $40 or $50

$95 worth of nutes treats over 5000gals with left over of some.

Im going to add calcium chloride,to the mix soon for when I taper off cano3 ill still need Ca from a source without all that N.

Have to add it into hydrobuddy for figure out a good ratio calcinit to calcichloride
I sourced the mkp and cano3 from hydro-gardens dot com.

25lb bag of cano3 ran me like $25 or 30 I forget. But I only use 2.4g/gal at full strength it will last years.

Mkp was like $10 or $15 for 5lb. At 0.5g/gal over an average of 3 weeks of the crop this will last years as well.

The mix is their 5-12-26 and they sell 25lb bags for like $40 or $50

$95 worth of nutes treats over 5000gals with left over of some.

Im going to add calcium chloride,to the mix soon for when I taper off cano3 ill still need Ca from a source without all that N.

Have to add it into hydrobuddy for figure out a good ratio calcinit to calcichloride

thanks man. i definitely want a cheaper better nute option. i saved the thread in your sig. ill definitely be watching your grows. when i feel more comfortable with growing and have everything else dialed in ill be looking into nutes like the ones you posted. searching around i found several others using similar blends. +rep.

till then ill stick with GH flora nova.
thanks man. i definitely want a cheaper better nute option. i saved the thread in your sig. ill definitely be watching your grows. when i feel more comfortable with growing and have everything else dialed in ill be looking into nutes like the ones you posted. searching around i found several others using similar blends. +rep.

till then ill stick with GH flora nova.

Cheaper yes. Better only,in the sense yoi have more control over ratios. For the most part cannabis likes a set ratio more or less but im always growing new strains. Which pose new challenges. I like spending time with my plants learning what they like though.
As I seem to have become the real a-hole in this thread I'll get out with a final statement.

For ease of a small grow get some pH Perfect nutes and relax about your growing.

I sourced the mkp and cano3 from hydro-gardens dot com.

25lb bag of cano3 ran me like $25 or 30 I forget. But I only use 2.4g/gal at full strength it will last years.

Mkp was like $10 or $15 for 5lb. At 0.5g/gal over an average of 3 weeks of the crop this will last years as well.

The mix is their 5-12-26 and they sell 25lb bags for like $40 or $50

$95 worth of nutes treats over 5000gals with left over of some.

Im going to add calcium chloride,to the mix soon for when I taper off cano3 ill still need Ca from a source without all that N.

Have to add it into hydrobuddy for figure out a good ratio calcinit to calcichloride

....next step....get to this point, understanding how to feed with separate ingredients. Know of any good resources by chance?
To learn the fundamentals of plant needs throughout growth cycle and feeding by ingredient. Im sure that info is here on the forum's, but I'm not quite sure how to search for it accurately. Do you maintain that 5-12-26 throughout? I saw your above post about potentially switching to a different CA supplement without N in flower, and I understand that part. Thats about my limit.

I just realized I know absolutely nothing about what my target levels should be. lol