DIY Quantum or NextLight Mini alternative

sweet....aluminum baking sheet from the internet? [ghetto snow sled...its been a long winter :)]

I wanted to ask you about the ND magnets and how your builds were doing with them. I am guessing that they work fine and don't interfere with power delivery? Which was my greatest worry....I have hundreds and wanted to see your results

Awesome build.
sweet....aluminum baking sheet from the internet? [ghetto snow sled...its been a long winter :)]

I wanted to ask you about the ND magnets and how your builds were doing with them. I am guessing that they work fine and don't interfere with power delivery? Which was my greatest worry....I have hundreds and wanted to see your results

Awesome build.
I haven't had any issues with power delivery. I intended to put thermal paste under these but was in a hurry to get it together to do some testing. I had to use the kapton tape because these strips didn't have enough room to place a magnet fully on any individual strip. Pretty impressed with this one so far.
these use LM561B plus diodes -- if comparing S5 bin on both LM561Bplus and LM561C, there is negligible difference, except, the 561C is rated to take a little more power on the top end if you like running them hot.
Excellent build! I'm putting together something very similar this weekend, just need to cobble together a frame. I thought aluminum wasn't magnetic tho?
So what did you spend @caretak3r ? I believe you mentioned something over in the samsung strip thread around $200 or less?

The strips are also nice since heatsinks are possibly at the grocery store, instead of avaiable from 2 vendors, or china and always seemingly sold out too....

The just the took the air out of cobs for me in the last 12 months. heatsink costs are just ridiculous for pins and fins, compared to the strips and sinking needed to adequetaly cool them :peace:
I bought 26 of the strips to get the cost down to $3.68 per strip. There's 20 in this fixture so that's about $74. I got the driver from BG Micro before COBKITS bought their whole supply (it was only about $25 or 27). $15 for the aluminum, and less than $10 for the magnets. $125 or so? plus the hanging hardware for a few bucks.
24 LEDs per strip, so you need 13 or 14 to say it's "like a Quantum board" There's 20 here so it's closer to the netxtlight mini
running them at about 300ma right now. Will get some temp readings when I get a chance.

Do you happen to have a wiring diagram or a wider shot of the wiring? I'm having a hard time visualizing it for some reason. I'm assuming you're running parallel based on the driver but something looks fucky to me.
Do you happen to have a wiring diagram or a wider shot of the wiring? I'm having a hard time visualizing it for some reason. I'm assuming you're running parallel based on the driver but something looks fucky to me.
The driver is 48v, the strips are 24v, so each pair of strips is in series (24x2 = 48). Then each set of 2 pairs is in parallel. Series and parallel wiring is on the background side of the pic. In the foreground I'm running each of those sets of wires to the driver. I could theoretically only have a single set of wires running to the driver, but I don't know what amperage the traces on the PCB can take, so I only ran 2X nominal worth of amperage. seems to have upped their prices in the last few days on account of a sitewide 12% off sale -- I hope they come back down, but for now the samsung strips cost more than they did last week (even with the coupon).