Trump is already making my world great. Dow above 20,000

I should just get on my parents insurance for the next... 4 years?

Tricare would pay for everything, gotta love the military

stay smokin'

i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE which is UNCONSTIITUIONAL becaues you cant force americans to pay for health inusrance. obama hired 17,000 IRS AGENTS to enforce OBUMMERCARE an put people in jail!

JULY 3, 2012 0 Comments


Kurt Nimmo
July 3, 2012

Rep. Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican, warns that the IRS will hire up to 16,500 new enforcers in the coming months to go after citizens who do not pay the new Obamacare tax. The expansion is said to include criminal investigators who “make cases” in order to levy penalties on scofflaws.

Brady cites a recent analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and staff at the House Ways and Means Committee. The report says the IRS will need a fresh crop of agents to examine and audit tax information mandated by Obama’s misnamed Affordable Care Act.

In January of 2011, Rep. Michele Bachmann claimed the IRS planned to hire 16,500 IRS agents to police Obamacare compliance. CNN reported at the time that the number cited by the Minnesota Congresswoman originated in a GOP committee report, based on a prel
I live in a right to work state. More like the right to fuck you state.

Wages are lower in those states. No employee protection. I got fired from a nice job because I got hurt on my own time and needed two days off. They don't care. Right to work states bring in temp services. The temp services get 12-15 a hour and pay 8-10 to the temps. The company works them 90 days and rotates them so they don't have to hire and pay benefits.

Anyone that spends time here knows I'm a fucking redkneck and a half. I grow, kill or catch most everything my family eats. Many pics prove it.

People brag about bullets. I showed a mess of squirells I killed with an air gun. 50 yard head or heart shots on a squirell at 50 yards moving. Yea. I'm a good shot.

Fact is right to work states shit on people and I'm sick of it.

Saw those squirrels and I don't doubt your redneckness one bit...and I didn't imply such so don't take it that way; wasn't intended. I shot mine with a springer air rifle and its starting to be fun once I mastered the artillery hold........that being said I don't need a can of corn but its nice sometimes.

So I found a fact about the right to work vs union states and their wages. What you want to bet your state has a low cost of living to reflect those wages?

Fact is: every state with compelled union membership and Virginia(right to work) have living costs above the national average. So naturally the higher wages raised the living costs and not the other way around.

Another good one is that 75% of Americans believe that union membership should be voluntary but 50% of states make it compulsory.
Fact is: every state with compelled union membership and Virginia(right to work) have living costs above the national average. So naturally the higher wages raised the living costs and not the other way around.

so the 5.4% of workers that are in a union in virginia drive up living costs for the entire state?

is that your theory, trailer dweller?
Says the knife sharpener to the 40 year union Democrat.

How's the trailer? Up keep is a bitch on poorly constructed dwellings. I worked in a trailer factory part of one summer. Not exactly put together well.

I like to keep sharp knives because of my trade. Putting a good edge on is something folks are willing to pay for and its a good little side gig. Your contempt for what you think I do for a living or what you think I live in is pretty baseless and shallow. Just go ahead and dream of buying and selling people more like you love to do though with your sexy bare chin.
i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE which is UNCONSTIITUIONAL becaues you cant force americans to pay for health inusrance. obama hired 17,000 IRS AGENTS to enforce OBUMMERCARE an put people in jail!

JULY 3, 2012 0 Comments


Kurt Nimmo
July 3, 2012

Rep. Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican, warns that the IRS will hire up to 16,500 new enforcers in the coming months to go after citizens who do not pay the new Obamacare tax. The expansion is said to include criminal investigators who “make cases” in order to levy penalties on scofflaws.

Brady cites a recent analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and staff at the House Ways and Means Committee. The report says the IRS will need a fresh crop of agents to examine and audit tax information mandated by Obama’s misnamed Affordable Care Act.

In January of 2011, Rep. Michele Bachmann claimed the IRS planned to hire 16,500 IRS agents to police Obamacare compliance. CNN reported at the time that the number cited by the Minnesota Congresswoman originated in a GOP committee report, based on a prel
Horse shit
so the 5.4% of workers that are in a union in virginia drive up living costs for the entire state?

is that your theory, trailer dweller?

Its the only anomaly so I included it. D.C. prolly has a lot to do with it but feel free to share your research. All states with compelled union membership enjoy higher than national average costs of living.
i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE which is UNCONSTIITUIONAL becaues you cant force americans to pay for health inusrance. obama hired 17,000 IRS AGENTS to enforce OBUMMERCARE an put people in jail!

JULY 3, 2012 0 Comments


Kurt Nimmo
July 3, 2012

Rep. Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican, warns that the IRS will hire up to 16,500 new enforcers in the coming months to go after citizens who do not pay the new Obamacare tax. The expansion is said to include criminal investigators who “make cases” in order to levy penalties on scofflaws.

Brady cites a recent analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and staff at the House Ways and Means Committee. The report says the IRS will need a fresh crop of agents to examine and audit tax information mandated by Obama’s misnamed Affordable Care Act.

In January of 2011, Rep. Michele Bachmann claimed the IRS planned to hire 16,500 IRS agents to police Obamacare compliance. CNN reported at the time that the number cited by the Minnesota Congresswoman originated in a GOP committee report, based on a prel

Another retard arrived on the site apparently...
Its the only anomaly so I included it. D.C. prolly has a lot to do with it but feel free to share your research. All states with compelled union membership enjoy higher than national average costs of living.

so are you scrapping your theory, or sticking with it?

i want to know if you actually, really, truly, honestly believe that the 5.4% of workers in virginia who belong to a union raise the cost of living for the entire state.
Lol at all these people complaining about insurance saying it's too much. Wait til something big happens to them. Wh en I was younger I wrecked a dirt bike and got air lifted. The helicopter ride alone was over 40k.. all together with my injuries and hospital visits that one crash totaled to be around 75k. Pretty glad I had insurance.
No shit. Our first kid was premature and turned into an emergency. Air lift to a bigger hospital. Moms part of the bill. A month in NICU for the baby. Yea, that added up to over $200,000. :o

Insurance is cool for the use of the adjuster too.......that guy or gal can cut those bills dramatically sometimes.
I like to keep sharp knives because of my trade. Putting a good edge on is something folks are willing to pay for and its a good little side gig. Your contempt for what you think I do for a living or what you think I live in is pretty baseless and shallow. Just go ahead and dream of buying and selling people more like you love to do though with your sexy bare chin.

You have told us all about politics, 'purples', how fabulous your life is, how brilliant your investments are, how great Trump is, etc.

And I'm here to tell you how successful the opposite of that BS you fed us is.

Cry me a river and go sharpen another knife.
You have told us all about politics, 'purples', how fabulous your life is, how brilliant your investments are, how great Trump is, etc.

And I'm here to tell you how successful the opposite of that BS you fed us is.

Cry me a river and go sharpen another knife.

what he calls a "trade" the rest of us call "butchering deer in the woods outside of his trailer".
i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE which is UNCONSTIITUIONAL becaues you cant force americans to pay for health inusrance. obama hired 17,000 IRS AGENTS to enforce OBUMMERCARE an put people in jail!

JULY 3, 2012 0 Comments


Kurt Nimmo
July 3, 2012

Rep. Kevin Brady, a Texas Republican, warns that the IRS will hire up to 16,500 new enforcers in the coming months to go after citizens who do not pay the new Obamacare tax. The expansion is said to include criminal investigators who “make cases” in order to levy penalties on scofflaws.

Brady cites a recent analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and staff at the House Ways and Means Committee. The report says the IRS will need a fresh crop of agents to examine and audit tax information mandated by Obama’s misnamed Affordable Care Act.

In January of 2011, Rep. Michele Bachmann claimed the IRS planned to hire 16,500 IRS agents to police Obamacare compliance. CNN reported at the time that the number cited by the Minnesota Congresswoman originated in a GOP committee report, based on a prel



i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE which is UNCONSTIITUIONAL becaues you cant force americans to pay for health inusrance. obama hired 17,000 IRS AGENTS to enforce OBUMMERCARE an put people in jail!
So first off that's pretty racist. Secondly thats pretty racist. If you want I can explain how the Constitution protects your right to contract outside of it, which facilitates your medicade, obamacare, gun permits ect.......
i am on mediacid because i CA NNOT AFFORD OBLACKMACARE
I don't understand what you are complaining about. If you are receiving medicaid, you are paying practically nothing. Sounds like a good deal to me. It also means you are dirt poor and at the mercy of whatever this administration decides to do. Medicaid was part of the ACA and is on the chopping block along with other provisions of the ACA that were outside of private coverage plans. When the GOP congress is done, medicaid will no longer be a federal program. You will be dealing with insurance companies.

Paul Ryan's plans for medicaid is to fund block grants for medicaid patients who then go to the private marketplace to choose their plan. They are going to re-set coverage to meet lower cost plans which will mean your coverage will get worse. This assumes you still qualify for medicaid at all, given that they will also change rules for who is allowed in Medicaid.

I have no idea why recipients of federal aid like you voted against their own interests. I look forward to reading posts where you cry over what happens.
so are you scrapping your theory, or sticking with it?

i want to know if you actually, really, truly, honestly believe that the 5.4% of workers in virginia who belong to a union raise the cost of living for the entire state.

I worked for a union company and virtually every union worker there owned stock so that they had to let us into the stock holders meeting.

We, as a group, got the CEO to cut his pay by a few million. He made a speech about imports, we asked why he needed a 20 million base salary in such hard times that he just described.

And we literally managed to get 49.5% of the stockholders to vote down his bonus. (Almost had him there too.)
so are you scrapping your theory, or sticking with it?

i want to know if you actually, really, truly, honestly believe that the 5.4% of workers in virginia who belong to a union raise the cost of living for the entire state.

I posed no theory. Only the fact that all compulsory unionized states have higher than average costs of living. Naturally this is the counter to the lower wage states narratives as the costs of living is conveniently excluded from the statement.

Explain your Virginia theory and we can explore this one anomaly together for the greater good of all mankind while ignoring the point.
I don't understand what you are complaining about if you are receiving medicaid, you are paying practically nothing. Sounds like a good deal to me. It also means you are dirt poor and at the mercy of whatever this administration decides to do. Medicaid was part of the ACA and is on the chopping block along with other provisions of the ACA that were outside of private coverage plans. When the GOP congress is done, medicaid will no longer be a federal program. You will be dealing with insurance companies.

Paul Ryan's plans for medicaid is to fund block grants for medicaid patients who then go to the private marketplace to choose their plan. They are going to re-set coverage to meet lower cost plans which will mean your coverage will get worse. This assumes you still qualify for medicaid at all, given that they will also change rules for who is allowed in Medicaid.

I have no idea why recipients of federal aid like you voted against their own interests. I look forward to reading posts where you cry over what happens.

Wow, dude, you do realize that you just wasted dozens of keystrokes on this:

