Bud Trimmer review....the "TrimBot"

I wanted to let everyone know this machine I have seen as low as $285 now. I have been using it for a few months now and it does work best with hard round nugs. It works so good I try to get plants that produce those type of nugs. I did want to say that I started using canola oil to lubricate the machine, but it gets in the trim and the shatter will not set up. I now do not use any lubricant at all, after it gets too clogged up with resin, I use a razor blade and clean the blades and bottom side of the grate. The machine comes apart real easy so this process only takes like 5 min. I am going to try a wire brush on the bottom side of the grate, I think it will work better than the razor. Also when the machine doesn't move anymore don't apply pressure to the arms that have the rubber fingers on them, they are fairly fragile. I will shake it back and forth with very low pressure if it is stuck, or push the blade with a screwdriver to get it moving. I know when it starts getting stuck it is time to clean it. I just wanted to let people know I was really impressed with the machine for the price.
You've obviously never had to pay trimmers. They are expensive and are always trying to stake their claim in your crop. Fuck 'em.

At 500 bones, this is probably the best replacement for hand trimming I have seen yet. Shit like this can cost thousands and not work near as well.
and thats gods honnest truth
I wanted to let everyone know this machine I have seen as low as $285 now. I have been using it for a few months now and it does work best with hard round nugs. It works so good I try to get plants that produce those type of nugs. I did want to say that I started using canola oil to lubricate the machine, but it gets in the trim and the shatter will not set up. I now do not use any lubricant at all, after it gets too clogged up with resin, I use a razor blade and clean the blades and bottom side of the grate. The machine comes apart real easy so this process only takes like 5 min. I am going to try a wire brush on the bottom side of the grate, I think it will work better than the razor. Also when the machine doesn't move anymore don't apply pressure to the arms that have the rubber fingers on them, they are fairly fragile. I will shake it back and forth with very low pressure if it is stuck, or push the blade with a screwdriver to get it moving. I know when it starts getting stuck it is time to clean it. I just wanted to let people know I was really impressed with the machine for the price.
Glad you said the thing about the trim while using canola oil/Pam. Wish i would of known it causes your shatter to be runny oil lol, it is a great machine for the price though, I got a lot of great use out of it and it saved me a ton of time + money in trimming. Mine finally broke, but it sure was worth the money!
Anyone ever used the trimming machine, the "greenbroz dry trimmer"?
They've made a huge deal about it at my local grow store I do a lot of business with, saying how great of a quality job it does yada, yada. They Have one on display there, I like the way it's designed, it has very small areas for bud to fall through so probably would trim even the smallest of buds.

Actually, I think I'm gonna post a thread on this.
I wanted to let everyone know this machine I have seen as low as $285 now. I have been using it for a few months now and it does work best with hard round nugs. It works so good I try to get plants that produce those type of nugs. I did want to say that I started using canola oil to lubricate the machine, but it gets in the trim and the shatter will not set up. I now do not use any lubricant at all, after it gets too clogged up with resin, I use a razor blade and clean the blades and bottom side of the grate. The machine comes apart real easy so this process only takes like 5 min. I am going to try a wire brush on the bottom side of the grate, I think it will work better than the razor. Also when the machine doesn't move anymore don't apply pressure to the arms that have the rubber fingers on them, they are fairly fragile. I will shake it back and forth with very low pressure if it is stuck, or push the blade with a screwdriver to get it moving. I know when it starts getting stuck it is time to clean it. I just wanted to let people know I was really impressed with the machine for the price.

Update: still love the trimmer but the trim doesn't turn into shatter even without using canola oil. I sell the trim to people that bake or people use this trim for pre rolls. I have shook the trim out with a bubble bag and dry ice and pressed it into rosin also. Not worth the effort imo, I sell it for 150 for 8 oz.
Glad you said the thing about the trim while using canola oil/Pam. Wish i would of known it causes your shatter to be runny oil lol, it is a great machine for the price though, I got a lot of great use out of it and it saved me a ton of time + money in trimming. Mine finally broke, but it sure was worth the money!

I've had a trimming machine for several years now.
No way would I use it without oil on the grates. Some bud so sticky that just a handful of bud would gum up the grates, blade and leather fingers.
I've used generic Walmart brand Pam while blades are spinning and leather fingers turned off. Other times I've used a sponge with oil or a oily rag and wiped everything down.
Sticky surface really damages the nugs compared to a slippery surface.

My trimmer isn't the one in this thread but a 2000 dollar model. Has 2 switches, one for fingers and one for the blade. The grates are closer together to do smaller bud and you can't use bud with fan leaves or long leaves. They need a quick snip to cut em down to a max of around 2"in length. It's titled so I just run bud open door to let it tumble down in a tote.
I can use it for colas as well. Just turn blades on and open door and turn the cola over the top of the grates.

With the buds already cut off the stem and in a bucket my machine will process a 5 gal bucket full of bud in about 5 min. That is usually a pound and half to 2 pounds depending on density when it dries.

I work by myself and can do over a hundred pounds of dried bud in a month with this machine.
Machine is the only way to go. Been their done that with rats and theives. Way too much trimming for one person and the machine does a good job and doesn't steal or rat you out.