The Leprechaun's Pot O Gold

Update for those that follow,,,,,,,,

Stage 4 has been smoked and named, @GardenGnome83 was here yesterday, we smoked 2 J's in a 6 hour period, good visit, great time.

Stage 4 will be #420 Neverland

Yeppers I have finally found Neverland 8)

Congrats man! Been a long road, but a fun journey to watch, got a couple steps soaking myself, tough nuts to crack so far, but I'm no quitter lol
@RM3 hey, I am looking to change some bulbs on 54w 4ft 12 bulb fixture. I have done a lot of searches and your name came up on a few threads. Could u point me in the direction of the best veg spectrum mixes or if there's any good threads on bulbs for t5s.
Neverland smoke report
First, I'll say I smoke a lot of weed. Fatty after fatty of good buds. That said...
I noticed a very berry smell when @RM3 lit the mid/small size j (maybe .75 g, maybe less idk lol). It tasted very good for fast driedweed. Taste was light, but I can only describe it as a classic mexican bomb sativa taste. Old school all the way, excellent.Immediately, before I blew out my first hit, my eyes had a slight pressure, was relieving in a strange way - foreign, not the usual heavy eyes. He put it out half way, as helikes to use gnomey as a guinea pig lol. Fuckin A I almost had a panic attack! I was wide awake, head buzzing hard, eyes chilled, flailing like a spaz! Heart was racing hard, chest was tight, then the first wave hit, came out of my lower spine. Woah boy,what a rush! We watched the Freddy Mercury tribute concert, and the highchanged with the mood of the show. Just epic, considering how fuckin awesomeQueen is. Up, down, happy, sad. Reflecting, understanding little things that were hidden before.
Every 15, 20 minutes, a new wave ofpleasure would eminate from a new point in my body, spreading outward, warm andfuzzy. And holy shit, this actually makes your mouth water! No cottonchops! Thepeak took an hour, and after 2 hours we smoked another half j. Ceiling went up as Iheld in the smoke from the first hit. And it is very strong in the head, just no stone at all! I suppose if u smoked a whole j you'd be fucked. Cancel your day, it's over for a fewhours, take a nap lol.
5-6 hours of feeling the effects, woke up high before I left colorado. This one is real deal one hitter quitter to anyone who isn't privy to good buds, hell it got me high on one hit. A good bong rip and you're done for a while lol.
That's about all I can say. Good fuckin job man, I'm so happy and grateful you chose to smoke that with me. I'm honored.
Now I just need to get you to give gnome aseed lol
No beef for me but 25 pages deep and only one reference to trying agromax. And no in depth discussion about color temps or brand or comparing them lol. I went on a lot of store sites and saw brands and bulbs available. I got a lot more help in led sections.if u want people to help contribute being nice is the best way to get others involved in ur community. Either way I did do a lot of reading and searches and found ur name and found ur thread and proceeded to seal help. lol. Lastly I would suggest a write up of color mixes as almost everyone in t5 uses mixes and there is a lot of threads on flower bulbs but not on veg. It's a gap that could be filled by those willing to share their exp and knowledge.
No problem, I don't think u were mean but def not friendly lol. Thanks for the response. If others see this in the future why ge 41k over Agromax? Hortilux has the uv bulb too. 30 a bulb is a lot when I can do an led for that much tho. These are the things I've been considering.

Edit I was using odysea 6500k
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No problem, I don't think u were mean but def not friendly lol. Thanks for the response. If others see this in the future why ge 41k over Agromax? Hortilux has the uv bulb too. 30 a bulb is a lot when I can do an led for that much tho. These are the things I've been considering.
You won't get any UV from an LED. That fact makes T5 UV light a lot more attractive.

And even though I sound like a broken record even to myself by now, keep your UV lights on a separate circuit that you can sit down when you're in the grow space. Skin cancer and macular degeneration are BAD.
No problem, I don't think u were mean but def not friendly lol. Thanks for the response. If others see this in the future why ge 41k over Agromax? Hortilux has the uv bulb too. 30 a bulb is a lot when I can do an led for that much tho. These are the things I've been considering.
The GE 4100K's are the cheapest with the best bang, in bulk they are like $5 each and of all the bulbs I've tested offered the best overall yield
How long does it take to learn to grow a plant?. I already have proven results. And I don't teach my opinion. Or say I am the best. Or pretend anything. Did you miss the part about my wife's cysts going away from my pot? That is what matters. Not your failing memory of the 60's.

riddlers don't pay for seeds I thought. How much do you charge for your untested unknown ones again?
I got 4 packs never spent a dime, not even in shipping:peace: I did however receive them after inquiring about purchases. I have however purchased seeds from several other sources that are not RIU approved (never seen adds here for green point, seeds here now,greatlakesgenetics or serious og, but I do know where to get them) breeders boutique paid for an add, but I had packs of their gear before that also