I'm down for a meet and greet on the ice (that is is if we aver get any decent iceonly thing is ...with meet and greets....and I know the OP knows all about them as do I......
our provinces are huge..and it can be tough to get majority of the group out.
I helped pioneer the first meet and greets for online forum groups for fishing and we had
some decent turnouts say 50 to 100 people....but we all shared a past time that we were pretty die hard at.
Though it would not be impossible to organize this kind of event....finding a venue to host it at may be a bigger difficulty.
We used to meet out at a frozen lake,pre -chosen as our venue...which was pretty simple as long as you could find road edge parking for the group.
But finding a place to meet in public could be your biggest challenge....since at members homes would just not work.
You would need a place suitable place to smoke/display bud...otherwise you would just be havin coffee.
I'm not much for organizing either. But if anyone wants to meet on the ice between temagami and niagara I'm in!much better idea...and place to get together.....usually would draw from southern ontario and a few from northern Ont
and a couple of americans.
A combo meet and greet....
Ps I have had my fill of organizing this stuff......I was once chatting on 20 fishing boards at a time.... inciting competition for our tourneys...
but if someone organizes I will attend...haven't fished in a few years now.....so you all might stand a chance at that part....
I'd goFor all the Ontario peeps...whos interested in getting together at a vape lounge in Toronto?
Barbless hooks in a lot of areas here too. Nothing like fishing 20 - 30 lb salmon on a barbless hooks with seals trying to eat your catch before it gets to the boat!Anyone want to meet on a frozen pond in wintertoba we have lots of good fishingyou can't use barbs so theres lots of stories of the one that got away
I'd be so into that trip....but a little far...Anyone want to meet on a frozen pond in wintertoba we have lots of good fishingyou can't use barbs so theres lots of stories of the one that got away