Synesthesia gardens checking in


Well-Known Member
We at Synesthesia are a group veteran growers here in the Nor Cal bay area, focused on collecting and creating top grade genetics and the highest quality extracts. Keep your eyes peeled pictures and journals to come!


Well-Known Member
Just some samples till i can get things compiled....we're a group of gardeners, couple generations, many years, many gardens...posting will be a slow process while doing all our work. Looking to share what we're doing and receive honest feedback from the RIU community.
20161020_171132.jpg IMG_2982.png IMG_2986.png IMG_2985.png IMG_2983.png IMG_2784.png 20170124_120952.jpg 20160913_102237.jpg 20170121_140559-1.jpg IMG_2698.jpg
Pics 1-4 Tahoe OG, 5-6 CherryPie, 7-8 Qleandream(our strain), then our new line of cartridges.