Smart Pot size vs. Growth Height + Width


New Member
I will try to keep this simple and I appreciate the readers patience. My grow area is all cement and I wish to use these types of pots to grow in:

Here's my question(s). I got several feminized seeds from various strains. Most to all the strains I plan to grow are "short" in height and large in yield. All are genuine. From what it seems, these pots are fantastic for my needs. Many in reviews and comments claim that the height of the plant is determined by the size of the Awesome pot. Many profess that they will grow twice as fast, BUT the size of the overall growth is determined by the pot's size. Let's say I don't want giant plants, but more like 4 foot tall wide thick bushes instead. I don't want a giant pot but the correct size to facilitate this situation. What size of an Awesome Pot do I need to grow 8 smaller 4 foot "bushes"? Or is there a basic size and is there a way I can trim them to keep them lower until flowering season? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, I plant to get to BIG Awesome Pots to grow two large strains. What sized pots would I need them to allow them to grow about say 6 feet but not crazy tall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~Last question. Using these types of pots, what is the smaller size I would need for 4 automatics?
I have read many guides and ideas concerning different pot sizes, but these are all suggestions for average black plastic pots. I can't seem to find any solid information concerning using the "fabric" pots. Yes, (if it isn't apparent, ) I am growing outdoors in Northern California sunny climate. When I used to grow in the ground, any strain I grew got fairly tall, (about 7 foot tall,) but potted growing is far different.

Experienced solid suggestions please? This season is a one shot deal for me and although I have done this for 4 years, this is a completely different dynamic than what I am used to. Thanks!! I appreciate the help and I don't want to buy a size too small and get tomato plant sized "ladies", nor do I want to buy a pot too big that will grow the plants too tall. Soil for all this will get pricey and I don't want to over buy anything. As a medicinal user with PTSD this is a one shot deal to have medicine for the off season, esoecially being that I go through a lot more than other people use as I table vaporize and it takes more than usual medicine to clam me down being the nature of my condition. I am aiming to make the 8 plants as best as I can into "bush" shape/size. :~P
From my personal experience growing indoors I have noticed that the wider the pot the easier it is to bush it out. I've been told that your overall width is determined by the width of the pot being used but I've never actually tested it (I probably should just to see). I'm currently using 5 gallon grow bags that are only about 11" wide but plan on going to a 15 gallon fabric grow bag at 18" wide or 20 gallon at 20" wide. I would say to get a good bush you could top it at the 2nd or 3rd node and low stress train it from there. The good thing about indoor is you can veg it till you get the width and height you want and then immediately throw it into flower, the entire process is left to your discrepancy. For height I've gotten 5 ft pretty easily from 11" of soil depth. I've done a couple autoflowers using 3 gallon pots that came out pretty nice but it never hurts to give her more room to breath. If you go onto Instagram and check out @mr.auxins the guy is killing it, 1 plant he bushed out to cover almost 13 sq ft
I use 15 gallon fabric pots regularly and they get to 5-6 foot tall
Im sure if u had 15s you could still top them and wire cage or scrog them outdoors
I only average 5-8 oz per pot as i dont get full sun in the spot i have outside
Big pots ? U could get 2lb in a 65 gallon but that would blow your 4 ft away most likely
I use 5 gallon fabric pots and top twice. my plants are about 2 ft in diameter and 3-3 1/2 feet tall at harvest. but size is limited by my grow space.
It really depends on your specific style, conditions, cultivar, etc. So many factors. I have grown 6 ft plants in 3 gallon pots. A plant typically grows as wide as the container it's in plus a bit, but height is a factor I don't think you can positively say 5 gallons = 5 ft. Sometimes I run 1 gallon squares and the plants are 3-4 ft tall.
It really depends on your specific style, conditions, cultivar, etc. So many factors. I have grown 6 ft plants in 3 gallon pots. A plant typically grows as wide as the container it's in plus a bit, but height is a factor I don't think you can positively say 5 gallons = 5 ft. Sometimes I run 1 gallon squares and the plants are 3-4 ft tall.
Outdoor in Hawaii i got plants over 7 foot in a 5 gallon bucket and it was about 4 weet wide
I didn't read the whole post but you can get them as wide as you want them through training. On my indoor grows I only have 3 10 gallon grow bags filling up two 1000 watt lights in a 4x8 area and they fill the whole area up. Just a long veg and lots of topping and scrogging. Usually yield somewhere between 2-4 LBS per table depending on strain
The good thing about indoor is you can veg it till you get the width and height you want and then immediately throw it into flower, the entire process is left to your discrepancy.
I am growing outdoors and what I used to do (in the ground,) was start the seeds in March, (let them grow to teenies from a feminized seed,) and they get good sized come June. Then, I just tend them, use Neem oil and keep it all organic. My concern was the correct way to top and width of pot vs. height vs. overall size. Just a clarification.
U could get 2lb in a 65 gallon but that would blow your 4 ft away most likely
Yeah, I went for "high yield plants" like


I used Single Seed because I had fantastic results and dealings with these Enlish boys in the last 5 years, but I moved so now I cannot drop them into the ground. These strains claiming to be high yield hopefully will give me a good turn out and growing 8 smalls, 2 giants and maybe 4 automatics, it should be enough medicine to get me through till next season. I vape only and I go through a good deal of medicine daily. With the old PTSD in good swing I end up going through a good deal, even when I am conservative. I don't/won't sell any and MAYBE give a bit away to friends. I am mostly a 70/30 or 60/40 kinda guy (thc/cbd). I got variety this year though so I can have different effect for what I need at the moment.
The main issue I have had as far as information goes is that there are TONS of websites that say this, say that, etc. I did research and after Googling my idiot head off, it led me here as being one of the best forums. I need to learn how to correctly top and "scrog". I thought "scrog" was an indoor term. I know greening well and that is why I start so early. I also yank off yellow leaves when they appear banana yellow. (Is that bad?) ~~~~~~~Thank you all by the way for solid information. Cannabis is such a diverse plant and ironically even though people call it weed, it is hardly a "weed". I will be checking tomorrow or next day for newer info and I appreciate the help. :~)
If you are concerned with the price of pots, you might try growing in kiddie pools. I've seen grows with one huge 5+ pound plant, or several smaller one pound plants. I use them for my tomatoes and one plant will get huge. Four plants will still be big.