Anyone Been Caught?

Dr. John Hopkins

Active Member
Hey guys,

I would like to start a thread collecting data with the help of those who got caught.

If you have been caught in anyway, can you please let everyone know how you got caught and what you would do differently next time?

I understand the way people mostly get caught is by telling someone #1 reason.

Thanks for your input!
Heres a scenario for you...the LEO come a knocking, and you tell them they ain't coming in without a warrant....all good right?

Think again. The LEO responds by telling you they have to come in and clear the house. To make sure no one else is hiding in the house....anything at all left out in the open will give probable cause to search the house.
I didn't think many would weigh in on this topic, but it is a very relevant one and one that should be discussed a lot.

Please everyone keep in mind that the police can and WILL LIE to you in order to further there agenda. Which is to arrest you.

Aside from your attitude at the time, which can affect your potential bond amount, little you say or do for the police will effect what they decide to do and how your case plays out in court.

And there is little consistency with how LEO reacts/responds to things. One cop may be nice, while another would bust your door down and throw your ass to the floor.

In my opinion that is the biggest problem with LEO in the states. ZERO consistency.
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C'mon OP You've been a member a week and asking for people with prior convictions of manufacturing or distributing to join a thread to help others?

1) Full Name
2) Address
3) City/State/Zip
4) Prior Convictions
5) How Much do you manufacture or sell currently
6) Tax payer ID#
7) Mothers Maiden Name
8) SSN#
I don't think people will mind divulging this info.
C'mon OP You've been a member a week and asking for people with prior convictions of manufacturing or distributing to join a thread to help others?

1) Full Name
2) Address
3) City/State/Zip
4) Prior Convictions
5) How Much do you manufacture or sell currently
6) Tax payer ID#
7) Mothers Maiden Name
8) SSN#
I don't think people will mind divulging this info.

Lol True. But no personal details are not required. Its just for insight is all.
officer: can I see your id?
you: give it to them and ask nicely "why have I been stopped"
officer: <anything>
officer: where are you going
you: I'm sorry, I'm not discussing my day. Am I free to go or am I being detained?
officer: <anything that does not include you are free to go>
you: In that case, I have nothing further to say without my lawyer present

period. answer no more questions. period. and chances are you will have nothing to contribute to a thread like this. ;)
Heres a scenario for you...the LEO come a knocking, and you tell them they ain't coming in without a warrant....all good right?

Think again. The LEO responds by telling you they have to come in and clear the house. To make sure no one else is hiding in the house....anything at all left out in the open will give probable cause to search the house.
why the fuck are you talking to leo? if they want to clear my house they have to kick in the door.

i got busted once. i was renting a unit and the landlord dropped by with zero notice and did an illegal inspection. didn't matter that it was illegal when he saw my grow tents. he immediately kicked me out, but thankfully didnt rat me out to the cops. what i would do differently is not grow weed. or at least not grow weed in a rental.