this has got to be the longest period of time ive gone without any bud since i started toking. its been over 2 fucking weeks! wheres the weed at?
summer was kind of rough as it usually is but i figured since school started back up and everyone came back there would be some buds around but theres NOTHING, not even shwag..its pathetic.

college town and no pot to be found. i hate this place. i need my meds.
since its been dry, i all the sudden became an insomniac and dont have much of an appetite and whatever i eat seems to taste blah
school work is starting to lag too, i need to be stoned if they expect me to draw for hours and be having a hard time adjusting to sober living.
looking at my plants is about the only thing keeping me sane at this point.
its going to be a good day when these are done.
apologies for the rant but i had to get it out.
blaze up and blow some smoke for me.