Help with cloning


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am excited to have some ladies started and plan to obviously mother my favorites to produce As many cuttings As possible I would love some input on cloning strategies I tried making bubble cloner with terrible results I'd like to lean towards starter plugs and would love to know some products that ensure root development and aren't crazy expensive I've heard woods rooting compound is awesome clonex and Olivia's please share some of your bulletproof methods non machine thank you!

I do outdoor clones cut em dip in rooting powder and put them in a party cup full of your preferred growing medium and keep them in the shade/some sunlight for a week , im sure indoor is way different not thats not my forte , just my 2 cents
Aero cloner is worth every penny. Can be made for $50 or bought for $100. You put the clones in and forget about them, its that easy. Any other way I have tried has been a pain in the ass. I read you can just leave them in a cup of water but I have not tried it.
Aero cloner is worth every penny. Can be made for $50 or bought for $100. You put the clones in and forget about them, its that easy. Any other way I have tried has been a pain in the ass. I read you can just leave them in a cup of water but I have not tried it.
Maybe next pay period if the light I'm ordering doesn't take up all my funds I will build an aero I just need the ez clone micro heads and a pump and I can build out of pvc 1/2 inch right? So you think aero massively out performs bubble? And with aero do inneed to add solution or just ro
Hey dude,

Simplest setup that I use, simply get a dome, rockeool cubes or starter plugs and clonex, and a razor blade and you're done!

Just slice the clones on a slant from the plant 70 degree angle > and drop them in you're water cup while you cut more off.

Once you'rve got your selected clones, pull one out from the water cup,graze the side where the roots will form, and dip it in fresh clonex, put in the starter plug and inside the dome. Close to 100% humidity needed in the dome as the clones will fdrink water through the leaves
Hey dude,

Simplest setup that I use, simply get a dome, rockeool cubes or starter plugs and clonex, and a razor blade and you're done!

Just slice the clones on a slant from the plant 70 degree angle > and drop them in you're water cup while you cut more off.

Once you'rve got your selected clones, pull one out from the water cup,graze the side where the roots will form, and dip it in fresh clonex, put in the starter plug and inside the dome. Close to 100% humidity needed in the dome as the clones will fdrink water through the leaves
Probably the best way right here. Super easy.
Hey dude,

Simplest setup that I use, simply get a dome, rockeool cubes or starter plugs and clonex, and a razor blade and you're done!

Just slice the clones on a slant from the plant 70 degree angle > and drop them in you're water cup while you cut more off.

Once you'rve got your selected clones, pull one out from the water cup,graze the side where the roots will form, and dip it in fresh clonex, put in the starter plug and inside the dome. Close to 100% humidity needed in the dome as the clones will fdrink water through the leaves
This is more or less what I do - Jiffy peat seed starter cubes, a seedling tray, a water tray underneath that and a humidity dome. Cost me less than 20 bucks for it all. I use Dip n Gro and so far I've been 100% successful.

You can also do a technique called "air cropping", where you just rough up the outer layer of a branch you plan to take, you place a water soaked peat or rockwool plug around the branch while its still attached to the mother, seal it up with tape and wait 7 days or so, then just snip the branch off just below the plug, remove the tape and plant your cutting.
Maybe next pay period if the light I'm ordering doesn't take up all my funds I will build an aero I just need the ez clone micro heads and a pump and I can build out of pvc 1/2 inch right? So you think aero massively out performs bubble? And with aero do inneed to add solution or just ro

Yea some micro sprinkler heads from lowes a cheap pump from harbor freight. The fitting to connect it all and the foam inserts for the clone spots.

Just use straight water. I usually only run mine for a half hour every couple hours, it don't have to be on 24/7. Put a cfl over the cuttings and your good to go.
Just make sure you get the right kind of tote if you use a tote or it will leak at the lid. Plus with the aero cloner there is no more cost once its made other than the electric to run it which ain't shit. No having to keep buying gel, cubes exe..
I use a small bubble cloner made from a plastic coffee container painted black. I use cut up nerf darts in place of neoprene. Take cuts, stick em in and forget em. I can fit up to 12 cuts in there.
I tried bubble cloning, aero cloning, air cloning, all of the above lol

The easiest I've found is peat plugs and a dome. No messing with it, maybe spray once with a water mist after a few days then a few days later the roots are popping out. I'm damn near 100% with peat plugs, and the roots are already in medium and ready for transplant. I like aero, but I felt that the plants needed a few days to figure out their roots after going from rooting in a water spray to being buried in medium. My peat clones average a few days behind the aero clones, but they take off as soon as they're transplanted.
I tried bubble cloning, aero cloning, air cloning, all of the above lol

The easiest I've found is peat plugs and a dome. No messing with it, maybe spray once with a water mist after a few days then a few days later the roots are popping out. I'm damn near 100% with peat plugs, and the roots are already in medium and ready for transplant. I like aero, but I felt that the plants needed a few days to figure out their roots after going from rooting in a water spray to being buried in medium. My peat clones average a few days behind the aero clones, but they take off as soon as they're transplanted.
I think I'm gonna go the plug route myself but might build aero at some point seems plugs and dome are reliable
Glad I stumbled across this post. I am also experimenting with clones and I just cut, dipped in clonex, stuck them in root riot cubes. Used a dome and a small 18in t5. Put a Lil water and 7 days later I was amazed I actually rooted clones. Muahhh. I love experiments
Awesome!!!! Does the cutting stay upright and rigid while in the hormone over night?
Yes. I use kln rooting concentrate.

Plain water works just like grandma did. Its slower and about 50% survive but it works.

I've had a couple bend over once in the soil. They straighten back up. I have like one every 12 clones I cut not make it.

The domes can breathe. If it is the top of the bottle I just take the lid off. If its the bottom I just heat a wire and melt a few holes.
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I just soak my rockwool in Kelp and calmag at 5.8 pH overnight, then toss into the heated dome. 90℅ rates that way, my cloners take forever and not even close in rates but can mass produce over rockwool and better output at a lower cost per clone. So many choices, choose one. ;-)