"Deal of the Day" is a DUD. Let's see. 1000W (and we all know wattage is just about the least relevant benchmark, right?) for $150. WOW what a deal.
What's a "Double Chip"?
When the ad says "suggested working time: 10 to 14 hours a day" does that mean this thing can't handle 18 hours on??
"Strong Hanging Kits are available..." I'm guessing that means they're not included. Even though one of the pictures shows it with hangers. Typical misleading advertising.
The bold header says "Full Specturm" (sic) but you can see from the picture that it's blurple.
"3 years long life span..." WTH? Not a 3 year warranty, but a 3 year life span???
I could go on, but you get the idea. I know, I know, it is SO TEMPTING to think that you found a killer deal, but it's unicorn chasing. What you have here is a whole industry that's built up over the last decade to push these blurple lights.
One final comment. Coverage falls off very quickly as you move away from the outer perimeter of the box. They keep stuffing more LED's into these boxes, but all that gives you is a hot spot right under the box, and very little elsewhere. Makes no sense.