Gordon Clark: Another huge study finds almost no medicinal use for pot


Well-Known Member
This new study from Harvard seems a little fishy. First off the head of Harvard in the 70 and 80 Dr Lester grinnspoon wrote cannabis reevaluated and even used cannabis to help his son deal with cancer. He witnessed first had one of the many medical uses. He even lobbied the American gov to reschedule cannabis so the medical properties could be more readily studied. So i will take this bs with a grain of salt... can anyone say reffermaddness lol


Well-Known Member
And to add the lower brith weight bs was proven wrong in a study done in Jamaica in the 90s on moms who use cannabis for morning sickness and there offspring. The study followed the children till they were eight if I remember correctly. The mmj children were more resistant to social stresses, more artistic and visual reacted quicker to cognitive problem solving etc fuck I wish I could remember the name of the study if ya google it you will find it. The best part is they were trying to prove harms and none could be proven so the study got pushed under the carpet


Well-Known Member
It breaks my heart,
I can smoke dozens of store bought cigarettes each day,I can drink glasses full of vodka at will,I can eat a dozen donuts even!
But when I grow lb's of Weed each year,and smoke the herb daily,I am labeled a Criminal....all because of Big Pharma and the power's of the Gov to regulate my fucking shitty life...


Well-Known Member
Here we go again. Another week, another massive study by top doctors and scientists finding very limited medicinal value to marijuana. In an age when liberal politicians such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson claim to be implementing “evidence-based” public policy, I find it odd that they have such a blind spot when it comes to pot.

A new report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine — The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research — that reviewed the results of 10,700 studies on the medicinal qualities of marijuana concluded that there is “conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective” in treating only three conditions: chronic pain in adults, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and patient-reported multiple sclerosis spasticity symptoms (although there was “limited” evidence of “clinician-measured” spasticity relief).

The report, drafted by a committee headed by Harvard medical school professor Dr. Marie McCormick, reached similar conclusions to a review of the research on medical marijuana published in June by the Journal of the American Medical Association. It found “moderate-quality” evidence that pot controls pain and MS spasticity.

An editorial accompanying the JAMA research argued that the political agenda to legitimize “medical” marijuana — which in Vancouver includes bumbling attempts by City Hall to regulate pot shops and the federal government’s plan to legalize marijuana — was pushing ahead without adequate research into whether marijuana was effective or safe.

The National Academies report also listed the significant harms of marijuana, including:

• “substantial evidence” that smoking pot causes “worse respiratory symptoms and more frequent bronchitis episodes”;

• increased risk of motor vehicle crashes;

• moderate evidence of increased risk of overdose injuries, including respiratory distress among children;

• substantial evidence that pot use by pregnant women results in newborns with lower birth weights;

• moderate evidence it causes impairment of “the cognitive domains of learning, memory and attention” with acute use;

• substantial evidence linking cannabis use with the “development of schizophrenia or other psychoses”; and

• substantial evidence linking increases in cannabis use frequency with “progression to problem cannabis use”.

With all that, how can any responsible public official rush into loosening controls on marijuana without thoroughly considering the negative impacts on people and society, especially when the loudest chorus for the policy change is coming from the mostly illegal marijuana industry that stands to massively profit? Why is anyone listening to them and their claims?

The new study, for example, found “limited evidence” that cannabis is effective at treating weight loss in HIV/AIDS patients, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, dementia, glaucoma, depression, cancer, anorexia, irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy … and on an on.

For the most part, the medical marijuana industry is a fraud. It’s making false claims to sell pot because people like to get high. I just wish everyone would own up to that fact. And I say that as someone who has long support decriminalization because with so many people using marijuana it makes no sense saddling people with criminal records over relatively innocuous behaviour. But that’s a far cry from legalizing the drug, or celebrating its use as so many people now do.

Look at Colorado. In almost any way it can be measured, increased marijuana use is causing a host of societal problems, including higher rates of marijuana-impaired driving, pot use by teenagers and young adults, school drop-out rates, marijuana-related hospital visits, and accidental exposure of the drug to children.

I’m not interested in launching a new form of reefer madness, but doesn’t government have a responsibility to discourage behaviour that isn’t good for people? Surely, Canada or Vancouver are not improved — and people are not leading as productive and significant lives as possible — with increased drug use.

It is hard for me and others to reconcile the stern warnings on Health Canada’s website about the dangers of pot use, especially by young people, with a decriminalization policy that everyone knows will expand its use.

There was some good news in the new U.S. study. Marijuana use is, according to the best current evidence, not linked to lung, head or neck cancers, the triggering of heart attacks, strokes or pregnancy complications for mothers, to list a few.

The authors also listed a multitude of conditions and outcomes for which the current research does not provide answers one way or the other, leading them to call on the U.S. federal government to make changes to their drug laws so that more research on marijuana and its effects can be conducted.

That, at least, is something those for and against marijuana can likely agree upon.
Better not tell Dr.Machoulam at Hebrew university this...... Only been doing studies since the late 60s. Guess they kept researching its non benefits huh?...........lol


Well-Known Member
finding very limited medicinal value to marijuana
Here we go again. Another week, another massive study by top doctors and scientists finding very limited medicinal value to marijuana. In an age when liberal politicians such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson claim to be implementing “evidence-based” public policy, I find it odd that they have such a blind spot when it comes to pot.

A new report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine — The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research — that reviewed the results of 10,700 studies on the medicinal qualities of marijuana concluded that there is “conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective” in treating only three conditions: chronic pain in adults, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and patient-reported multiple sclerosis spasticity symptoms (although there was “limited” evidence of “clinician-measured” spasticity relief).

The report, drafted by a committee headed by Harvard medical school professor Dr. Marie McCormick, reached similar conclusions to a review of the research on medical marijuana published in June by the Journal of the American Medical Association. It found “moderate-quality” evidence that pot controls pain and MS spasticity.

An editorial accompanying the JAMA research argued that the political agenda to legitimize “medical” marijuana — which in Vancouver includes bumbling attempts by City Hall to regulate pot shops and the federal government’s plan to legalize marijuana — was pushing ahead without adequate research into whether marijuana was effective or safe.

The National Academies report also listed the significant harms of marijuana, including:

• “substantial evidence” that smoking pot causes “worse respiratory symptoms and more frequent bronchitis episodes”;

• increased risk of motor vehicle crashes;

• moderate evidence of increased risk of overdose injuries, including respiratory distress among children;

• substantial evidence that pot use by pregnant women results in newborns with lower birth weights;

• moderate evidence it causes impairment of “the cognitive domains of learning, memory and attention” with acute use;

• substantial evidence linking cannabis use with the “development of schizophrenia or other psychoses”; and

• substantial evidence linking increases in cannabis use frequency with “progression to problem cannabis use”.

With all that, how can any responsible public official rush into loosening controls on marijuana without thoroughly considering the negative impacts on people and society, especially when the loudest chorus for the policy change is coming from the mostly illegal marijuana industry that stands to massively profit? Why is anyone listening to them and their claims?

The new study, for example, found “limited evidence” that cannabis is effective at treating weight loss in HIV/AIDS patients, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, dementia, glaucoma, depression, cancer, anorexia, irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy … and on an on.

For the most part, the medical marijuana industry is a fraud. It’s making false claims to sell pot because people like to get high. I just wish everyone would own up to that fact. And I say that as someone who has long support decriminalization because with so many people using marijuana it makes no sense saddling people with criminal records over relatively innocuous behaviour. But that’s a far cry from legalizing the drug, or celebrating its use as so many people now do.

Look at Colorado. In almost any way it can be measured, increased marijuana use is causing a host of societal problems, including higher rates of marijuana-impaired driving, pot use by teenagers and young adults, school drop-out rates, marijuana-related hospital visits, and accidental exposure of the drug to children.

I’m not interested in launching a new form of reefer madness, but doesn’t government have a responsibility to discourage behaviour that isn’t good for people? Surely, Canada or Vancouver are not improved — and people are not leading as productive and significant lives as possible — with increased drug use.

It is hard for me and others to reconcile the stern warnings on Health Canada’s website about the dangers of pot use, especially by young people, with a decriminalization policy that everyone knows will expand its use.

There was some good news in the new U.S. study. Marijuana use is, according to the best current evidence, not linked to lung, head or neck cancers, the triggering of heart attacks, strokes or pregnancy complications for mothers, to list a few.

The authors also listed a multitude of conditions and outcomes for which the current research does not provide answers one way or the other, leading them to call on the U.S. federal government to make changes to their drug laws so that more research on marijuana and its effects can be conducted.

That, at least, is something those for and against marijuana can likely agree upon.
Do you have a source for this article? Where do your comments end and the article begin?


Well-Known Member
It breaks my heart,
I can smoke dozens of store bought cigarettes each day,I can drink glasses full of vodka at will,I can eat a dozen donuts even!
But when I grow lb's of Weed each year,and smoke the herb daily,I am labeled a Criminal....all because of Big Pharma and the power's of the Gov to regulate my fucking shitty life...
Pretty much nut shelled it there dude, well done. peace


Well-Known Member
Here we go again. Another week, another massive study by top doctors and scientists finding very limited medicinal value to marijuana. In an age when liberal politicians such as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson claim to be implementing “evidence-based” public policy, I find it odd that they have such a blind spot when it comes to pot.

A new report by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine — The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research — that reviewed the results of 10,700 studies on the medicinal qualities of marijuana concluded that there is “conclusive or substantial evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids are effective” in treating only three conditions: chronic pain in adults, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and patient-reported multiple sclerosis spasticity symptoms (although there was “limited” evidence of “clinician-measured” spasticity relief).

The report, drafted by a committee headed by Harvard medical school professor Dr. Marie McCormick, reached similar conclusions to a review of the research on medical marijuana published in June by the Journal of the American Medical Association. It found “moderate-quality” evidence that pot controls pain and MS spasticity.

An editorial accompanying the JAMA research argued that the political agenda to legitimize “medical” marijuana — which in Vancouver includes bumbling attempts by City Hall to regulate pot shops and the federal government’s plan to legalize marijuana — was pushing ahead without adequate research into whether marijuana was effective or safe.

The National Academies report also listed the significant harms of marijuana, including:

• “substantial evidence” that smoking pot causes “worse respiratory symptoms and more frequent bronchitis episodes”;

• increased risk of motor vehicle crashes;

• moderate evidence of increased risk of overdose injuries, including respiratory distress among children;

• substantial evidence that pot use by pregnant women results in newborns with lower birth weights;

• moderate evidence it causes impairment of “the cognitive domains of learning, memory and attention” with acute use;

• substantial evidence linking cannabis use with the “development of schizophrenia or other psychoses”; and

• substantial evidence linking increases in cannabis use frequency with “progression to problem cannabis use”.

With all that, how can any responsible public official rush into loosening controls on marijuana without thoroughly considering the negative impacts on people and society, especially when the loudest chorus for the policy change is coming from the mostly illegal marijuana industry that stands to massively profit? Why is anyone listening to them and their claims?

The new study, for example, found “limited evidence” that cannabis is effective at treating weight loss in HIV/AIDS patients, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, dementia, glaucoma, depression, cancer, anorexia, irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy … and on an on.

For the most part, the medical marijuana industry is a fraud. It’s making false claims to sell pot because people like to get high. I just wish everyone would own up to that fact. And I say that as someone who has long support decriminalization because with so many people using marijuana it makes no sense saddling people with criminal records over relatively innocuous behaviour. But that’s a far cry from legalizing the drug, or celebrating its use as so many people now do.

Look at Colorado. In almost any way it can be measured, increased marijuana use is causing a host of societal problems, including higher rates of marijuana-impaired driving, pot use by teenagers and young adults, school drop-out rates, marijuana-related hospital visits, and accidental exposure of the drug to children.

I’m not interested in launching a new form of reefer madness, but doesn’t government have a responsibility to discourage behaviour that isn’t good for people? Surely, Canada or Vancouver are not improved — and people are not leading as productive and significant lives as possible — with increased drug use.

It is hard for me and others to reconcile the stern warnings on Health Canada’s website about the dangers of pot use, especially by young people, with a decriminalization policy that everyone knows will expand its use.

There was some good news in the new U.S. study. Marijuana use is, according to the best current evidence, not linked to lung, head or neck cancers, the triggering of heart attacks, strokes or pregnancy complications for mothers, to list a few.

The authors also listed a multitude of conditions and outcomes for which the current research does not provide answers one way or the other, leading them to call on the U.S. federal government to make changes to their drug laws so that more research on marijuana and its effects can be conducted.

That, at least, is something those for and against marijuana can likely agree upon.
I live in Colorado and the above assertions about the problems associated with legalization here are DEAD.FUCKING.WRONG.

If you're going to lie, at least have the good sense to lie about things that can't be so easily debunked.


Well-Known Member
The Rheumatoid arthritis society is doing the first known studies... which they should have done years ago.....
but..... PHARMA has to much control over their pain..and need people to stay sick in order to stay rich and get richer..:cuss:

Pharma thinks there is no money to be made with MMJ helping people!!!!! unless they can charge lots of money for things people can do for free. Pharma would like to STOP THEM ALL... (:lol: sorry didnt work ;) )
Theres NO BUSINESS in that green shwag ,,, or REVENUE!

So who gives a rats ass about CHEAP MMJ that WILL help. Pharma doesnt! ;)
when (pharma)can poison and kill people all day long saying that MMJ is bad for you and they think we actually believe them and let them kill people all for profit?
Not this cat!


Well-Known Member
this is far more important..(:

The Rheumatoid arthritis society is doing the first known studies... which they should have done years ago.....
but..... PHARMA has to much control over their pain..and need people to stay sick in order to stay rich and get richer..:cuss:

Pharma thinks there is no money to be made with MMJ helping people!!!!! unless they can charge lots of money for things people can do for free. Pharma would like to STOP THEM ALL... (:lol: sorry didnt work ;) )
Theres NO BUSINESS in that green shwag ,,, or REVENUE!

So who gives a rats ass about CHEAP MMJ that WILL help. Pharma doesnt! ;)
when (pharma)can poison and kill people all day long saying that MMJ is bad for you and they think we actually believe them and let them kill people all for profit?
Not this cat!