
So help me out here. Would you not take the 2.7umol/j times the 320 system watts for a PPF of 864. Not a PPFD of 864.

They are irrespective of one another. PPF is instantaneous power of the light source (photon count) whereas PPFD is photon density landing over an area. The two are equal in numbers when the light distribution covers a 1m2 area.

PPF is good for planning, but it is PPFD that matters.
So $5 a watt

Whats the price per watt for 5 QB's at 50 watts? ie 350 watts of QB vs 320 watts of the light above. If there is a 12% diff in umol/j then the little extra wattage should prob even that out.

Cost would be around $550 if you used the slate 1 heatsink which isn't really necessary at 50 watts. Also the light mentioned above is mono red/blue for greenhouse supplement only. They have different color combos. The white light version is 2.2 umol/j

How do the values above relate to the 2.4umols/j your talking about?

How do the values above relate to the 2.4umols/j your talking about?

Those numbers are 100% efficiency, i.e. 1 watt of light. If the emitter output is 50% for example then you would multiply the values in the table by .5 and find the emitted umol/j. It will be a bit lower once you factor in the power supply efficiency, fans, fan PS.
The T4-725 using 3000K 90CRI emitters is 4.7 umol/j... price is less than half that 1600. Granted, the output wattage of the T4 comes in just under 300 rather than 320 but still.
Really? Damn. Good job making something for sale that efficient, & w/ 90CRI. Wow!