OK buddy, it seems that you are trying to destroy our good reputation for some reason, so I will paste every message that I sent you, for everyone to see:
5th December 2016:
"Yes, here you go buddy: XXXXXXXXXXXX
You can track it here while your order is still in the UK:
And you can use the same tracking number to track your order here when it reaches the States:
7th December 2016:
"Ok buddy, let’s get a resolution.
It does look like USPS may possibly have lost the package, but also it may still be in transit to you, and USPS just haven’t updated the tracking details.
According to Royal Mail and USPS the package isn’t officially lost unless it has gone missing for 5 weeks.
But I would like you to get your seeds by Christmas, so how about this:
I’ll get your order resent tomorrow, and if both packages turn up you send one back or pay for the second one.
How does that sound?"
8th December 2016:
"It doesn’t usually take that long buddy.
No, it’s not the normal norm buddy, but seems to be USPS’s new norm for the Christmas period – I’m afraid you’ll just have to be patient with them – the upside is that the packages are making it there, and passing customs, but some packages are taking a month to reach the States.
Unfortunately USPS have not been updating their tracking very well in the last month or so, and deliveries are taking them a lot longer – I think it’s due to the Christmas rush.
Not to worry, we will replace your order if it is lost, but currently the packages are getting there, but some are taking a month to do so

8th December 2016:
"Hi buddy, it only looks like it has only reached as far as Heathrow because USPS have not been updating the tracking info on their end.
You are not the only one being affected buddy.
I know this because we have a few similar situations as this from last month, where the packages took a month to arrive and were not updated by USPS until they were delivered.
I have spoken with USPS and they have said that they are having some issues because of the “Holiday” (Christmas) period.
But as I said before buddy, I am happy to resend your order and if both packages turn up you can send one back or pay for the second one."
18th December:
"Hi buddy, we have seen that some unlucky US orders placed in November have taken 6 weeks to arrive – USPS have said that the delay has been caused by adverse weather conditions compacting the Christmas rush.
But as I said buddy, I want to help you out as much as possible, so I am happy to resend your order and if both packages turn up you can send one back or pay for the second one.
Would you like to take me up on this offer now my friend?"
9th January 2017:
"We’re not flagged at all buddy – it just happens sometimes.
This may still just be a Christmas delay buddy (I had a customer today who received an order he made in November), but it has been over a month now, so I am happy to resend the seeds, under the condition that if you receive both you will pay for the second one (or return it).
Let me know your thoughts. "