Are cockroaches harmful to marijuana plants?

While $25 for a 5 gallon tub of boric acid seems like a steal, is there a store that may supply this? I hate ordering online and waiting, I need instant gratification.
While $25 for a 5 gallon tub of boric acid seems like a steal, is there a store that may supply this? I hate ordering online and waiting, I need instant gratification.
Yea this is a great price, this amount would last me as a professional working daily for 6 months.
Maybe Home Depot...? or Lowes etc.

ps,I just got a good laugh from your signature..good one...rep points for ya!
I like rep

*bump* something is eating my seedlings.!?!?!

2 newly sprouted seedlings with a decent little tap root were eaten by some pest the minute they break the surface of the rock-wool. The pest seems to like the cotyledons and first leaves.

I have a feeling its a roach or a mouse...traps sounds like a good idea... I think it may be drawn to the water from the dwc...
*bump* something is eating my seedlings.!?!?!

2 newly sprouted seedlings with a decent little tap root were eaten by some pest the minute they break the surface of the rock-wool. The pest seems to like the cotyledons and first leaves.

I have a feeling its a roach or a mouse...traps sounds like a good idea... I think it may be drawn to the water from the dwc...

roaches! caught one while it was still in my grow box. 6 seedlings= no heads(cotyledons)

solved that problem though, roaches are night critters so i just put the plants on a high place like table when its night time and they're fine there. i use outdoor AND indoor btw. in the morning, i take them out so they can bask in the sun then take them inside and use artificial lights in the evening. saves electricity!
I once caught a cockroach nipping on my stash, so I quickly grab the slipper off my feet and you get the picture.. The roach got squish in with my shit.. Had no choice but to smoke it.. Someone said it tasted like seafood.
they will eat them.boric acid will work if your not real infested just be careful with it it is toxic to might want to get some good duct tape and put it around your planter or what ever you have with the sticky side out i`ll guarantee you they want get to them but it needs to be real duct tape not the kind you get at lowes or walmart it will work but its nowhere near as good.(example real duct tape will cost around $15 a roll but it will go a long ways) good luck
Never thought I would say this, but for the 1st time I think I might be happy to have seen a roach. I have something growing in my roots (looks like gnat larvae: little black worms) and I have been picking them out one by one the last few days. Tonight I pulled a plant up and I saw a small roach on the top of the root mass. I assume that the roach was there eating up all the gnat larvae, since i didn't see any news ones, so I let him go about his business. Glad to find out that roaches won't eat the roots themselves, so I'll just give them a free pass anytime I see one. One roach could eat a ton of gnat larvae I would assume. And I HATE those damn gnats!!!!!!
I know this is am old thread however I figured I would post this. A better solution is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. It isn't toxic to humans or animals and will kill bugs just as well.
roaches are nasty little fuggers. they can carry bacteria and viruses.....salmonella, staph, strep, polio...........
I know this is am old thread however I figured I would post this. A better solution is Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. It isn't toxic to humans or animals and will kill bugs just as well.
Seriously ? You know this an old thread? It's 5 years old... And you added useless info as if they are coming back to read this...
I have little roaches not big roaches and I'm wondering the same thing my plant has had a seedling at the top this is my 8th day growing and the seed has cracked I don't know if this is normal or did they eat the seed
I have little roaches not big roaches and I'm wondering the same thing my plant has had a seedling at the top this is my 8th day growing and the seed has cracked I don't know if this is normal or did they eat the seed
Did you just get of the state hospital? Dude. You have one Seedling but tons of posts about it. Stick to buying the stuff.
I have little roaches not big roaches and I'm wondering the same thing my plant has had a seedling at the top this is my 8th day growing and the seed has cracked I don't know if this is normal or did they eat the seed

If you're talking about the small brown roaches that look like german roaches, then yes. I had problems with those bastards when I was trying to germinate on coco last year, almost 20 seeds that got eaten inside just as soon as they sprout, 20 seeds that went straight to waste. I decided to observe what what's going on. Looks like they love what's inside the seed, they love it like we love the coconut at the beach and treat it almost the same. They cannot crack it themselves but instead look for the seeds that have just barely cracked from the inside, then open them a little more and eat everything inside. The seed hearts are considered a superfood, rich in omega 3,6 and all essential aminoacids. Roaches are not fools, they know what they do.
I have lived in a semi-tropical area for decades, where raoches are a way of life. About 2 years ago I started 6 plants from seed. At about 2" tall with 2 sets of leafs I checked one morning and half the plants leafs were 100% gone, no stems, just the main stalk. I had no idea what happened. The next morning the rest were leafless., but there was a roach munching away on the last one. I now have roach pills all over my house. Problem solved