Rooftop SE Asia

Vn is right. It depends on the person. A friend of mine would always go down to Shaft Alley when it got rough. Less moving around down there. I worked in the Light Shop, which was right over the Anchor Windlass Room {at the pointy end}. The Saipan was built like a bath tub, so that far forward we would go up, then over, then back down. We would ride the office chairs back and forth across the shop.

But most didn't get seasick. Some of the Med ports were too shallow for us to get dockside, so we would take a Mike boat in. They would toss quite a bit.

This was my home for a couple of years. She is razor blades today.

Seeing the world would be fun, but I would likely never adapt to the waves
Yeah I dont imagine I could have done any of those 6 month tours on a navy ship. Thats a long time to be in closed quarters with the same people no matter how many of the same people. My wife made me laugh a few years back, she said everytime I called her after about 3 weeks I was cursing half the people I was working with, she said because I didnt have my buddha to smoke :)
Speaking of the service and school, I went to a Jr college out of high school. I was a science and math whiz kid. Did pretty good until I fell in love. Grades went south, then when the romance did too, I joined the US Navy to get out of town. I was a nuclear propulsion candidate, and only getting caught with a joint up in Great Mistakes kept me from a push button crow and a 6 year obligation. I served a little over 3 years when I got kicked out for failing {or would you call it passing?} a whiz quiz. Over all I enjoyed it, but there was no way I could have been a lifer. I would like to go back to lots of the places I saw on my own sailboat.
I want to hear about some of those places. I want to buy my own sailboat.
I want to hear about some of those places. I want to buy my own sailboat.
We hit a lot of ports in Spain that were fun. Barcelona at Christmas time was about the best of them. Valencia was cool. So was Palma, but in a bad way, {it was winter, and it is beach town} My boss's girl was Spanish, and she would travel ahead when the ship was at sea. It was like night and day when we had a local with us. Nice France was a favorite too. Cheap food and rooms back in the early 80's.
So we had a few days of light drizzle on and off all day so I pulled the kids out of the weather. They like spots of rain but not to be kept fkn soaked this early in life. Also have a chance to take a close look at and do some IPM. Bathed everything down with water+aloe+garlic+carolina reaper powder+LAB. Had some pretty butterflies last week hovering slowly around the canna plants and those 2 fuckers, or at least one of them, was dropping kids as I found a few tiny caterpillars eating my leaves, cunts! So next time I see that the hose is coming out. One was literally spread eagle laying on top and I thought how cool even took some photos and it didnt even dawn on me that it was dropping the bomb, doh!