Do seeds prefer warm & wet in lit area? Or do they prefer damp cool & dark

It's awesome to see the different techniques. I just think we'll for thousands of years cannabis grew by just dropping there seeds onto the ground with no assistance. I understand that we spent lots of cash on these beans but I realized nothing I nature is 100%. Just what I've come to realize.
I believe that also, this is only my second grow, first time I thought I had it down because I read everything I could on growing Marijuana as well as as many techniques as i could read about. I tried all of them and if I had just been more patient and not such an idiot noob, who didn't give the respect to the folks on this site they deserve. They were trying to help me and i took it as an attack! I had to put out a heartfelt apology with the hopes they would still be willing to help me.
Thankfully they did, and I will never be such an asshole again!!!
Anyway, back to this grow. I've never in my 42 years, grown anything let alone from seed. So far all 4 that i tried grew a taproot 2 were about a 1/4in and 1 was a 1/2in or better and 1 was just stubborn I think cause she showed tap but it wasn't getting very long. But regardless they all got put into Fox Farm ocean forest. I figured that for the first month or so i wont have to give them any added nutes. But im hoping it's not to hot for seedlings. It worked great when I got some clones going for a friend, since it was my first time trying to do clones and it got 14 out of 18 to take off, so I had it so I used it. But when I transplant to their next size up pots, i planned on switching to the happy frog, and thats when i will try you advice. If i saw it before I put them in dirt I would have got some more and done it that way from the start.
So i have a question, the seed with the longest tap, when I put it to the dirt I put it roughly 1/4in in then covered lightly, the rest went a little deeper cause I wasnt so concerned with damaging the taps cause they weren't so long. That being said i put them in dirt 4 days after germination and after the first night the one that went in shallow popped through and the seed husk came with it and fell off. Will that happen to all of them? And if so how long do they roughly take before they do poke through to the surface? I mean 4 days from seed to seedling is pretty quick isn't it?
So far it has taken between 2 and 10 days so far, just throwing into dirt with no seed presoak. It really depends. (Mother nature's suprises) I love how she aka mother nature never puts exact times on any thing. I love suprises
What I'm about to say really applies to everything in life I have been through. With out taking risks you will never achieve anything great. I'm sure that's a famous quote bit it's true. Especially in this industry
I think my sprouting rate has a lot to do with the fact that I'm using bag seed. Same conditions for every seed, but only 3 sprouted, lost 1 which had a small weak stem.
I think my sprouting rate has a lot to do with the fact that I'm using bag seed. Same conditions for every seed, but only 3 sprouted, lost 1 which had a small weak stem.
Ya, bag seeds is something every grower i know has said same so they just stopped. To much time goes into it why waste it.
But then again risk is the game we play
So miller do seedlings root better if they get some dark time as long as the heat dosnt drop too much and the moisture stays up
Honestly what ever would be comfy for a human. For me personally 60 is about as cool as I would like it and 85 maybe 90 is about the point of starting to get uncomfortable . I believe in indoor growing it is the same for plants. Again mother nature grows cannabis in almost every environment and temp so as long as we keep it nice temp and moisture wise everything will be good.
Sorry, light is irrelevant until the first set of leaves aka cotyledon sprout and when that happens don't give them too much light cause it's just a baby.
And I have just been putting them in my veg tent 18/6 and since the light is so far up the babies don't get overloaded with light.
I'm gonna start putting how to's for new peeps to help out. Just so they can see that there is less mystery and more practicality.
Patience has gotten me excellent results and Jason the grow boss videos and his grow book/magazine has helped me alot. He really breaks the whole thing down and gives the info to you in a more down the earth and easy to understand way.
Patience has gotten me excellent results and Jason the grow boss videos and his grow book/magazine has helped me alot. He really breaks the whole thing down and gives the info to you in a more down the earth and easy to understand way.
I'll take all that and log it upstairs in the old think tank. I like hearing about how a variety of growers do things, that way while I'm finding my way to being a viable medicinal grower"in like 10 years"after that I may have it almost down.
There is knowlege in everything I hear and it helps me find what works for me. I did how ever start them in a 18/6 like 12hrs after the broke ground. They are under t5's about 6" above with blue 6500's. They look good for being 5 days from seed to sprouting, but two didn't make it yet I'm inpatient so I very carefully dug diwn to them and the looked exactly the same as when I put them in3 days ago. So i started to germinate the other 4 and they are all gonna go. They cracked after 12 hours in a wet paper towel on a paper plate partially covered on a heat pad I use for cuttings in a dome. Today is the end of day 2 and the all have a taproot 1/4" long. So I figure plant them tomorrow, but the first 4 I put into Fox Farm ocean forest medium and they spouted pretty good but im not sure how the roots are doing? I've only watered them the first day which was the 15th, and they are still pretty moist. Maybe cause they too were in a dome for the first 48 hours after going in medium. Anyway would I get roots faster in Pete Moss plugs or does it matter?
I'm gonna start putting how to's for new peeps to help out. Just so they can see that there is less mystery and more practicality.
Good idea, if this grow makes it to the end it should be nice smoke, now that I'm up to 6 looks like I'm glutton for punishment. But this time I've taken precautions against unwanted guest like spidermites and PM.
I've read that it is acually good for the roots, buy getting oxygen into the medium as it breaks down any roots that may have disease. As well as a PM deterrent.