Bob Bitchen's buds

LOL, I can add that Mammoth is just that....HUGE....too much
good skiing not to love the place. Nice in the Summer too, with
Devil's Postpile and such about...


I can't wait for fookies in the spring.
How's the skiing? Been to Mammoth ?

Not yet, just got top of mtn open holiday crowd's .
I pretty much stay local until closer to spring, then I switch to Mammoth
Gonna be a good year for sure, 2nd or 3rd most snow for a January with another big storm this weekend.
I may go up in feb, for SIA demo to test for a shop here in big bear.
LOL, I can add that Mammoth is just that....HUGE....too much
good skiing not to love the place. Nice in the Summer too, with
Devil's Postpile and such about...


Lots to see up there, beautiful every direction