In House Genetics Thread

Burning Bush Nurseries key lime and BBN sunset sherbet are lookin like no-shows, another 5 days then will know for sure

I have grown these klp only 1 of 10 so still have 9 beans of that one but the one I got was just for test and was a darn slow vegger.
Also had heat issues so I had to toss that one gonna try em real soon again because I've heard a lot of complaints of beans that didn't sprout so really want to know if I was just lucky with this bean or not.
I have grown these klp only 1 of 10 so still have 9 beans of that one but the one I got was just for test and was a darn slow vegger.
Also had heat issues so I had to toss that one gonna try em real soon again because I've heard a lot of complaints of beans that didn't sprout so really want to know if I was just lucky with this bean or not.
im not holding out much hope for these BBN beans, some people say scuffing needed but i didnt, everyone says very low germ rates...even just 1 germinating would be a win lol
im not holding out much hope for these BBN beans, some people say scuffing needed but i didnt, everyone says very low germ rates...even just 1 germinating would be a win lol

Yeah I hear ya bro it's a damn shame I've seen someone getting a very nice plant of that but I haven't had that luck.
Hope you still get something if so she likes being topped gets the yield up with me she yielded 15 grams in a 12L pot lol fucking ridiculous.
And also too much off topic sorry but I also haven't heard very much of them and the things I heard were almost all bad except for the one guy I was talking about.
Frigg I hope not. I have some of those cookies og laying around
i bought those cookies og about 18mths ago, only planted them on the 11th this month, i remember when i first saw those seeds they were the worst looking ive ever purchased, there were only about 2 that had any real color, the other 7(9 in the pack) were very pale shitty looking things! after 10 days i will give up on watching for life...
i bought those cookies og about 18mths ago, only planted them on the 11th this month, i remember when i first saw those seeds they were the worst looking ive ever purchased, there were only about 2 that had any real color, the other 7(9 in the pack) were very pale shitty looking things! after 10 days i will give up on watching for life...
They def aren't the prettiest I've seen but I got hope :)