Round two is on, got 3-4 white cookies this time


Well-Known Member
Got 12 white cookies seeds from the king and i sold 4 to my buddy and I germinated 4 put 4 in reserves.
3 of 4 have germinated in goid fashion 1 is a little slow but she'll is cracked and she is patrudin out so I'll give her another day then in the medium she goes with the others.
The taps were 1/2-3/4in in 2.5 days three anyway the other is still trying but looks promising. So hope by knowing what I have and growing it accordingly, along with precautions are in place to keep pm out of the Equation. As well as pest.
Does anyone ever use the companion grow to keep unwanted pest out? I am determined to stop pm in its tracks this time i am conscious of it.
I will post when I have something to post worth posting.
Got 12 white cookies . seeds from the king and i sold 4 to my buddy and I germinated 4 put 4 in reserves.
3 of 4 have germinated in goid fashion 1 is a little slow but she'll is cracked and she is patrudin out so I'll give her another day then in the medium she goes with the others.
The taps were 1/2-3/4in in 2.5 days three anyway the other is still trying but looks promising. So hope by knowing what I have and growing it accordingly, along with precautions are in place to keep pm out of the Equation. As well as pest.
Does anyone ever use the companion grow to keep unwanted pest out? I am determined to stop pm in its tracks this time i am conscious of it.
I will post when I have something to post worth posting.
Did you say purchased seeds through Crop King? If so good luck lots of bad reviews in the seed and strain section.
bought from the king myself never had a problem getting my seeds and all germinated did white cookies grow before last very nice strain keep us updated