Trump admits Russia was behind election hacking

This whole "my guy/your guy" shit has to end. Trump won; it sucks for most people that care about the welfare of Americans and people in general, but it still happened.
So now the issue is trump. Not Hilary or Bernie or bush or Obama. Trump.
It's hard to get people to stay on track though when there isn't much good you can say about the bloated orange bastard.

You're running in circles.
Even though it's "old shit" it's not applicable when talking about a president (elect) and their known tendency to lie to get into office?
Obummer is still in office and Trump has 5 more days before he can do ANYTHING (as POTUS, the recent re-dedication to american manufacturing jobs by business MIGHT be due to him.)

Why do you skirt applicable counter to your argument about

Is a lie not offensive?
I mean we're not talking about "No, those pants don't make your ass look big." types of social lubricant, but the promises we are supposed to believe a candidate will fulfill if they win office.

How's the nib tasting Babaloo?