Well-Known Member
Remember I wrote you and asked you to stay when you got butt hurt about one of them guy's?remember the anger you had toward a banned member for feeling and saying the same thing to resto ? everyone there jmped this guys ass for saying what we all felt. I couldnt believe he was banned, but other members were backing up resto/admin(including you) to ban him.
abdominable was the name. he saw right through resto, the forum sham, and their tactics, made a half hearted threat similar to yours above...and BANHAMMER came down on him. he was a military guy, didnt take shit from anyone, but was always cool to most, except the shammers
my log in didnt work one day and I didnt return. it was a great reason to forget about the shammy place. laws are posted on the migov site, who gives a shit how resto feels about them right
Bawahahahahahahahahaha,,,,,,,,,,,Im sorry!

At least ya got to have a little fun and watch it explode over an election lol!