Cheap pre built bulb for seedlings

LED is always going to be more efficient than cfl , and vegging doesn't require nearly the light output that flowering does, so try it. Ideally you want something with more blue light for veg, so you may see some changes in stem and leaf growth. You would never be able to flower under something like that lamp, but should be okay for seedlings/clones for the very start. The red may actually promote rooting.
Thanks, the light is only supplemental for a few hours of light after sundown going to add a 100w 6500k bulb. Would a bulb that gives off uva/uvb be helpful? I have an unused bulb from a reptile tank that gives of these.
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Thanks, the light is only supplemental for a few hours of light after sundown going to add a 100w 6500k bulb. Would a bulb that gives of uva/uvb be helpful? I have an unused bulb from a reptile tank that gives of these.
UVA/B is only helpful during flowering in not very big amounts.
Small amounts increase THC production (natural sunblock for the plant), but too much will cause damage.
LED is always going to be more efficient than cfl , and vegging doesn't require nearly the light output that flowering does, so try it. Ideally you want something with more blue light for veg, so you may see some changes in stem and leaf growth. You would never be able to flower under something like that lamp, but should be okay for seedlings/clones for the very start. The red may actually promote rooting.

Don't say never @REALSTYLES uses 6500k I beleive... More blue isn't a bad thing
Picked up a 100w equivalent uses 14w led bulb 5000k . The box says 1600 lumen however the bulb has 1500 lumen. Either way should be enough for a few seedlings I think.
That bulb is really underpowered.
Better go to homedepot or a local equivalent and get some regular 100 watt equivalent bulbs.
the 15W "100W equivalents" placed one per square foot will raise em up to 12" easily if you pop the covers off. i mix up 2700 and 5000k
yet there are plenty of people raising excellent crops to full maturity with them to this day
depends on your definition of an excellent crop. I wondered about the led bulbs, u saying we can just remove the plastic cover. Didn't know I could do that. But it makes perfect sense. 15w just isn't much. But for a clone or germination tray could be a efficient change from my 100w t5.
depends on your definition of an excellent crop. I wondered about the led bulbs, u saying we can just remove the plastic cover. Didn't know I could do that. But it makes perfect sense. 15w just isn't much. But for a clone or germination tray could be a efficient change from my 100w t5.
That's why you use multiple bulbs.

Good deals are less than or around half a dollar per watt.

I've bought some Osram Parathoms 20W for my (still germinating) peppers, 2452 lumen if Osram isn't talking shit.
Bright as fuck, eye damaging bright when I took the cover off.
122lm/w (including driver losses)
It was only around half an euro per watt.
Only real problem with blurple is that it can be hard to identify if your plant is having problems so you need some other light with a better cri.
Or those stupid glasses.
yet there are plenty of people raising excellent crops to full maturity with them to this day

They certainly can look that way. It would be great a clone side by side, then lab test the buds

Plants will adapt in order to survive. Beyond the first generation, mutation is highly likely. What that might do is something to consider. And then there's the issue of what harm it does to ones eyes over time