Don quashes Don's Johns

It seems that the private contractor who was hired to provide portable toilets for the innagauration was "Don's Johns". When the TRUMP! transition team found out, they dispatched some people with some duct tape to cover up the logo.

Perfect move for a thin-skinned man-child.

Classy, too.

Fucking idiotic clown. Apparently Penthouse is offering a reward, and it seems like they've got a good track record for getting their man(child).....

Penthouse may have proof of Trump’s ‘golden shower’ tryst at Moscow hotel

13 JAN 2017 AT 08:12 ET

"This isn’t the first time a media outlet has offered up a prize for an interview or video before. In 2013, recently shuttered Gawker started a crowdsourcing effort to raise $200,000 to purchase a video of former and late Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine. A video was eventually released in August of last year. In January 2014, Jezebel, previously under the Gawker umbrella, offered up $10,000 for unretouched images of comedic actress and writer Lena Dunham’s photo shoot with Vogue. A day later they were published.

Penthouse, too, has a history of publishing questionable materials. In December 1988, it published an interview with former televangelist John Wesley Fletcher, during which he claimed to have slept with fellow televangelist and “The PTL Club” host Jim Bakker. The revelation came as Bakker was facing a federal investigation into his finances and had claimed in a sworn deposition never to have had any homosexual encounters.

In 1995, Penthouse publisher and magazine titan Bob Guccione went so far as to publish Ted “The Unabomber” Kaczynski’s manifesto after he claimed he would stop his bombings if the 35,000-page document hit newsstands. Guccione also offered Kaczynski a regular column."

You must see that this is all coming apart at the seams, man. It's delightful.
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The guy should have named his porta potties more specifically, like Don's Shit (piss on me?) House, because that is what the White House is going to be for the next 4 years, if that sexual deviant Trump makes it that long (I hope he dies actually, fuck impeachment)
The guy should have named his porta potties more specifically, like Don's Shit (piss on me?) House, because that is what the White House is going to be for the next 4 years, if that sexual deviant Trump makes it that long (I hope he dies actually, fuck impeachment)
I am rooting for an unfortunate autoerotic asphyxiation accident - but not in the White House, please.
Any RIU members live near by?? I'd be willing to donate to a go-fund-me account for anyone willing to be the official tape remover during the innaguration...
Oh Please. People will be doing it. Can't wait for the official reaction when they do. How will the police respond? My guess is that they will totally ignore anybody peeling tape.