Open Show n' Tell 2016

I remember commercial fishing 25 hooks and a 10 pound sinker and loading all the hooks with 8 pound reds and floating the 10 pound sinker in 500 feet of water .50 pound lings were a daily occurence. Nothing beats that . I made a lot of money in my 20's at San Miguel island . There was one year when fishing in the bay at the island with squid getting limits of halibut all over 30 pounds and lots of 70 ' s . On our shallow water trips we would pull up to the kelp beds on the island and pop a scoop of bait and the water would turn brown and frothing with 5 pound Johnny bass. There was one el nino year there was albacore behind the island and they were all 70 pounders and only bit 12 pound test. The season after that the 1000 plus pound blue find showed up on the ridge behind the island from Santa Rosa to San Miguel . The little pursene boats would go out at night and use a spotter plane to see these fish on the fosferecents and wrap one fish at a time and be back in Santa Barbara at daylight with a truck waiting to fly them to japan. 20 k fish .
I grew up limit style calico bass fishing working on the three quarter and half day boats. During the spawn we would limit out on 8-10 pound calico on the surface iron 2 trips a day. Great stuff man. Caught my first yellow tail up there in a el nino year at the rigs.
There is a group of CO's, (a clique of ab divers) from Folsom that would charter a boat each year out of Santa Barbra or Ventura for Lobster opener at the Channel Islands. They would dive at night & get HUGE bugs. I always gave them my smoked salmon, so I usually got a couple of live lobsters....sweet deal
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There is a group of CO's, (a clique of ab divers) from Folsom that would charter a boat each year out of Santa Barbra or Ventura for Lobster opener at the Channel Islands. They would dive at night & get HUGE bugs. I always gave them my smoked salmon, so I usually got a couple of live lobsters....sweet deal

The Truth and Conception run out of SB or did. We used to tie up next to them. We used to trade fishing for lobster . Even though the crew worked on a boat and dive they didn't have bait so they would come fish with us and I got bugs and abs since I didn't dive . Man I got some big ones.Back then though it was more about drugs, alcohol and girls.
Good times

These guys are off the hook crazy. Shooting big yellowfin started out at Guadalupe that I can remember in the early 80 ' s . White shark showed up and stopped that.
Now they frikin jump out of all kinds of stuff sticking big fish. Year before last when the blue fin came in so close they were free diving off la Jolla and gigging em. Pretty cray cray.
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These guys are off the hook crazy. Shooting big yellowfin started out at Guadalupe that I can remember in the early 80 ' s . White Shrak showed up and stopped that.
Now they frikin jump out of all kinds of stuff sticking big fish. Year before last when the blue fin came in so close they were free diving off la Jolla and gigging em. Pretty cray cray.
In the early 60's when I was a kid, the Navy ran a WWII PT boat out of North Island for sport fishing to the Coronado Islands. They stripped the guns & torpedos & They put a rail all they way around & set a bait tank inside the gun ring in the days
You ever fish out of Santa Barbara? I think my nephews family owned a marina out there. There last name is groden I believe. Always want to fish the channel islands. I used to live on channel islands Blvd in port Hueneme.
I went Albacore fishing up there in high school and did pretty good if I remember correctly.