Hi everyone, I'm a dude, or even just a guy.

Dude Guy

Hello RIU! I just wanted to say hello and I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. We're really future trippin now!!!
As soon as possible, I'll be posting my first grow journal and a tutorial on my growroom setup and construction. I have a bunch of good ideas and tweeks that some of you may be interested in. Also, I can't wait to learn and share everything this great community has to offer!
Chea! Shit's dope!
Thank you! I'm hoping to be a real positive part of the community. Any advice would be really appreciated.
Welcome to RIU.
Only advice I can give you is stay away from the political threads on this site unless you are a lefty. Any other political views are not tolerated on RIU. You will get gang raped by the lefties. The raping is approved and backed by administrators.
Hope your experience here is as good as mine has been. A lot of knowlegeable people here hoping to lend a hand...
I wish I had written down what I've learned here each time to form a record. It's in my head as long as I don't roll another car!
Welcome to the nut house .......as long as you leave your feelings far far away from here you'll be just fine ......unless your personality sucks ,then your screwed either way .....but welcome new dude ,guy ,thing ,sir ,bro ,man ...welcome
Welcome to RIU.
Only advice I can give you is stay away from the political threads on this site unless you are a lefty. Any other political views are not tolerated on RIU. You will get gang raped by the lefties. The raping is approved and backed by administrators.

Ah yes, if I wanted to talk politics I'd be on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. ect. ect.
I AM down to talk about fat, sticky, juicy, sexy, skunky, sexy, luscious, beautiful, glourious, AMAZING CANNABIS!!! :)
Hope your experience here is as good as mine has been. A lot of knowlegeable people here hoping to lend a hand...
I wish I had written down what I've learned here each time to form a record. It's in my head as long as I don't roll another car!

Lol thank you and remember Contact!
The tires are the things on your car
That make contact with the road
The car is the thing on the road
That takes you back to your abode

Welcome to the nut house .......as long as you leave your feelings far far away from here you'll be just fine ......unless your personality sucks ,then your screwed either way .....but welcome new dude ,guy ,thing ,sir ,bro ,man ...welcome
Thank you for the advice :)