How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

yah it is, there scanning threw them, ohh signatures match, set aside, Medical doc looks good, set aside, "more processing", set aside, "More Processing"
and then its on to someone else to Process all of that processing;

it seams to me that they are looking for reasons to reject these Registration's and that they are treating them as applications.......when I'm not applying for anything....I already have the right, The Queens Court Granted Us That as their system was unconstitutional, and this is their amendment while Justin lies to the people about legalization and his entire platform and continues to instruct the cops to inforce the current laws regarding it...
when I was getting off the phone, after its been in their possession for 8 weeks, ohh it all looks good, if you haven't herd from us in the next 2 weeks give us a call
10 weeks, this is fucking horrible, I cant afford the LP product.
let alone the fact that its no longer safe for consumption based on their use of pesticides, and they are relying on those pesticides, not just using them if they need to, apparently
shit makes my migraines worse some days, more muscle twitching, although that could also be that with the lp system there isn't any regularity to the find a strain that works, and damn, its gone.
so you try something else, that may or may not do, what you need it to....
and when your dealing with multiple issues like I am.. some gut related, the pills are not an option, they make the guts worse.
so if a steal beam breaks my face this morning, and the current bud I have isn't taking the edge off....I cant/don't take a pill for it.... I consume more of my bud and live with the pain.

This is Pain Management, and if they cant understand why I'm going to call in 3 times a week, since my application is complete for the second time, and has been sitting there on their desk for 8 fucking weeks, after them establishing a medical system for this 16 years ago..... and they still cant get it right, or recognize where the patients are coming from.

Fuck Health Canada
Fuck our Last 90 Year Prohibition.
Come spring, lets all take some clowns and plant them at every intersection threw out town, every planter box, in every parking lot.
Dana Larsen's Over Grow Canada All Over Again
I dont understand what everyone is waiting for..if you sent in a script.START NOW
it is going LEGAL after all and soon everyone will be able to grow.....when soon is???. is beyond me but its a GO!!!! no matter what people
so the only ones who are hurting and stopping you.
Glad my doctor's. office is trust worthy and sent the papers just by asking the right person and only a $20 fee they haven't even asked for yet!

I only want that certificate to shove it in a cop's face and sue the shit out of those pieces of shit the second they do something wrong!
I dont understand what everyone is waiting for..if you sent in a script.START NOW
it is going LEGAL after all and soon everyone will be able to grow.....when soon is???. is beyond me but its a GO!!!! no matter what people
so the only ones who are hurting and stopping you.
You do hAve a point... doctor approved it.... hc is just checking to make sure the I is dotted.... T is crossed..... but you still risk getting boned before you get the stupid paper.... shitty.... cause unless you have a script for mj (not A growing one) you gotta wait to be legal.... weird
You do hAve a point... doctor approved it.... hc is just checking to make sure the I is dotted.... T is crossed..... but you still risk getting boned before you get the stupid paper.... shitty.... cause unless you have a script for mj (not A growing one) you gotta wait to be legal.... weird
no one is going to bone anyone for minimal meds to treat themselves.. not talkin about selling..
I'm sure people are doing whatever it takes...

Not sure where you are in Canada but these pigs here would make an unlicensed 5 plant grow front and center on the news. Have a paintball gun? That would also be in the news shot! Dangerous weapons and all.....
I'm sure people are doing whatever it takes...

Not sure where you are in Canada but these pigs here would make an unlicensed 5 plant grow front and center on the news. Have a paintball gun? That would also be in the news shot! Dangerous weapons and all.....

Same shit in my town, cops here hate pot, the crown attorney is happy to prosecute and judges are happy to convict.
Same shit in my town, cops here hate pot, the crown attorney is happy to prosecute and judges are happy to convict.

If you think that you have not been there or done that...

where are you getting these ideas from Mr???