Well, you saw some years back my older work with it.
I was doing rather close to plants and around (notes not in front of me) 10min an hr every Hr of lights on (I never liked the "on-off" spiking all day - hard on bulbs and ballast's). I have settled into a very close to RM3's style of "on" 3-4 hrs at outdoor "peak" lighting times at further away. Like 24+". They have been running between the 1K's and I was turning the plants every day 1/4 turn. That got to be a pain, and sense the "raid". I have been building a flid up support that brings the bulb horizontal under the 1K hoods. I simply flip them up, let the "brace" out to hold them up and leave it there, with the MV on it's own timer. No shading loss from the MV is of any particular effective lighting loss when the MV is off. Now when you have as many as 8 of these running per room. You don't tend to want to go in there at that time period!
I tried that and found that the glass in reflectors. Block too much of the UV.....but, if run longer then those last 2 weeks. It does do acceptably. That is whats given rise to the "Dual arc" bulbs out in the last cpl of years.
You get 2 things from those! A more "positive" finish with the full bloom period getting usable UV. That whole bloom exposure makes up for the "late" bloom with things like the MV and the Agro.....yer higher UV output has a more profound effect (I'm thinking). I'm going to get a cpl of those "dual arc's" to confirm my theory at my next "comfortable" available time! I'm sure the deeper blue spectrum's are helping that more "positive" finish also!
Anyway, that's where I'm at now, and if the dual's do well, maybe no need for any other supplemental UV.....THAT would save $! Even with my #'s cut in half for "compliance". Dropping 3200K off the E-bill would be nice!

That will be later in the year....Just getting rolling good again, and building my rotation strains back up is still going on. Shit, I got 4 more strains to even start yet. Gotta work that rotation in right!