Do you think people should be protected from punishment from their employer for expressing opinions

LMAO you can't answer to the truth about what she was, all you can do is cast aspersions and try to degrade and humiliate somebody you're the lowest of the low and you're not worth talking to anymore Sheeple! I laugh at your ignorance
I provide evidence, you provide insults. When asked to provide evidence, you run away. You humiliate yourself with your aggressive stupidity.
If you've done so much research, where is your proof? Because your incessant whining doesn't count as an actual argument.
I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you you're not worth it your a waste of time but someday when I'm in the mood I'll make a whole post about her just to show people what a vile person she was so they can learn about her via all of her disgusting quotes, writings. beliefs and teachings. Things that Margaret Sanger had spoken and taught were so bigoted and vile it will show just what a piece of crap human being she really was!!!!!
I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you you're not worth it your a waste of time but someday when I'm in the mood I'll make a whole post about her just to show people what a vile person she was so they can learn about her via all of her disgusting quotes, writings. beliefs and teachings. Things that Margaret Sanger had spoken and taught were so bigoted and vile it will show just what a piece of crap human being she really was!!!!!
Is there any of that colt left? Nothing tastes as good as bbq goat-eyed colt.
I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you you're not worth it your a waste of time but someday when I'm in the mood I'll make a whole post about her just to show people what a vile person she was so they can learn about her via all of her disgusting quotes, writings. beliefs and teachings. Things that Margaret Sanger had spoken and taught were so bigoted and vile it will show just what a piece of crap human being she really was!!!!!
So... you have nothing. That's what I thought.
Does this extend into freedom of speech? If I'm afraid of getting fired from my job if I express a certain opinion, is that censoring my freedom of speech?
Opinions are like assholes everyone has one. But if you talk to police I would never hire you so if you have a pro cop opinion well their is a reason I don't advertise. Shit I would not even hire anyone who doesn't smoke weed so if you have an opinion against weed you are fucked. I don't trust many people and I need to trust you a little before giving you a job for all I know you could be an undercover cop. Lol, let alone a confidential informant.
Does this extend into freedom of speech? If I'm afraid of getting fired from my job if I express a certain opinion, is that censoring my freedom of speech?

When dealing with any employer, no information is best.

Speak when spoken to, when they ask for ideas let the senior people speak then expand on what they've said.

You have no fucking idea..I've seen what they've done to key employees when they fall out of favor.

You're a know how to be quiet.

Lock your FB.
I don't have to prove anything to the likes of you you're not worth it your a waste of time but someday when I'm in the mood I'll make a whole post about her just to show people what a vile person she was so they can learn about her via all of her disgusting quotes, writings. beliefs and teachings. Things that Margaret Sanger had spoken and taught were so bigoted and vile it will show just what a piece of crap human being she really was!!!!!

well, you go ahead and do that.

in the meantime, you are supporting the same candidate as the KKK, and you are on the same team as david duke.

so there's that.
If you work for someone or a company, you are representing them. If you say something stupid and could have or does have a business impact on the company or person(s) you are working for, there should be consequences. Freedom of speech, like the right to bear arms, has limitations. I can't walk up to a woman on the street, point a gun at her and exclaim, "Damn bitch, you fine as fuck, come here and suck my tiny cock!", and then walk away citing I'm protected under the first and second amendment.
Fogdog was suggesting that the reason republicans dislike PC is because PC stops racism.
I never said PC, I said social pressure. Just like social pressure against drunk driving. The high rate of deaths due to drunk driving used to be something that people just tolerated. People joked about drunk driving. With a combination of stiffer penalties and MADD outreach to media groups that educate the public, people no longer just accept that a drunk driver "made a mistake" and placed social pressure on people to stop. This also made it acceptable to talk to friends who were about to drive drunk and get them to take an alternative. That's social pressure. Nobody calls it PC to try to talk somebody out of drive away drunk or to tell them later that they should not have done so.

PC is just right wing's way of denigrating others who find gratuitous insulting of others unacceptable. Social pressure puts the racist on the back foot by letting them know they will no longer be welcome in a social group if they continue to behave like an ass. Just like drunk drivers are no longer laughed at or given a pass when they drive drunk. Over time, social pressure is much more effective at changing behavior than laws. Laws are only one part of the means to change attitude.

Racists of course hate this.
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I never said PC, I said social pressure. Just like social pressure against drunk driving. The high rate of deaths due to drunk driving used to be something that people just tolerated. People joked about drunk driving. With a combination of stiffer penalties and MADD outreach to media groups that educate the public, people no longer just accept that a drunk driver "made a mistake" and placed social pressure on people to stop. This also made it acceptable to talk to friends who were about to drive drunk and get them to take an alternative. That's social pressure. Nobody calls it PC to try to talk somebody out of drive away drunk or to tell them later that they should not have done so.

PC is just right wing's way of denigrating others who find gratuitous insulting others unacceptable. Social pressure puts the racist on the back foot by letting them know they will no longer be welcome in a social group if they continue to behave like an ass. Just like drunk drivers are no longer laughed at or given a pass when they drive drunk. Over time, social pressure is much more effective at changing behavior than laws. Laws are only one part of the means to change attitude.

Racists of course hate this.

And it is so much easier when you label whatever you dislike racist....
And it is so much easier when you label whatever you dislike racist....
No. It's easy to identify racist statements. Such as calling a US-born man of Hispanic heritage unfit to do his job because he is "a Mexican" and can't be trusted to adjudicate Trump's trial for fraud -- as if having parents from Mexico had anything to do with the judge's professionalism. If the shoe fits, wear it.
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No. Say I work at Footlocker or something and I say something racist on Facebook, should I be subject to consequences from my employer? Should someone be able to complain to the Footlocker FB page and get me fired?
Social pages like FB are public domains regardless how private a person thinks it is. It wouldn't be any different than standing in any public place telling everyone how bad your company sucks. Say that shit at home with people you trust or expect repercussions.

Freedom of speech will never protect you from being disliked by an employer, and there is always a way to remove undesirables from the work place regardless of their performance.
Social pages like FB are public domains regardless how private a person thinks it is. It wouldn't be any different than standing in any public place telling everyone how bad your company sucks. Say that shit at home with people you trust or expect repercussions.

Freedom of speech will never protect you from being disliked by an employer, and there is always a way to remove undesirables from the work place regardless of their performance.

My wife is in HR and has told me more than once that when an employee does or says something that brings them on HR's radar, they better hope that it is in a positive way because if HR decides that one's continued employment has become a liability to the company, they will find grounds to terminate. Their job is not necessarily to help employees but rather to protect their employer.

Edit: She has even said that SOME HR departments will go so far as to give an employee plenty of rope to hang themselves with.