Doc's Dank Seeds

I really hate this cold weather. I went to water today and my garden looked aweful. they were all wilted and droopy. I ran a heater on 30 minutes and off 30 minutes all last night but it was still too cold. The purple hells angel is rebounding but the rest is still sickly. To make matters worse, 2 hours after i went to check them again and my light was off. The power strip i was using quit. I got the light back on. If i cut clones of them would they pull through or would they not be able to root? I gotta look at options to save this.
I really hate this cold weather. I went to water today and my garden looked aweful. they were all wilted and droopy. I ran a heater on 30 minutes and off 30 minutes all last night but it was still too cold. The purple hells angel is rebounding but the rest is still sickly. To make matters worse, 2 hours after i went to check them again and my light was off. The power strip i was using quit. I got the light back on. If i cut clones of them would they pull through or would they not be able to root? I gotta look at options to save this.
Man it depends on how bad they are but most likely yes
Because he knows the guy aka me who gave him the genetics and seen the packs I popped. Everything Doc has is legit and labeled what it is. He doesn't rename anything and always gives credit. You want purple crosses he's got em period. His pictures speak for themselves.
Because he knows the guy aka me who gave him the genetics and seen the packs I popped. Everything Doc has is legit and labeled what it is. He doesn't rename anything and always gives credit. You want purple crosses he's got em period. His pictures speak for themselves.
I agree that Doc has them Purple. 9 out of 10 TPR pop. Purple born tips and a few days later.... the bottom sides were turning purple! These seeds are under T5 with room temp at 80 degrees. I have high hopes that these TPR will be something special.
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These males where selected and further eliminated based on breeding stability and traits Doc was looking for.


From this "little pheno hunt" all my best genetics I had at the time.

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Some killer plants in that room. Unfortunately the females where mostly all lost but a few that where given out. All that money in seeds wasn't a total loss because Doc got the males :)
This happened a while ago. I miss them but it'll work out in the end. I'm dating my best friend now and in a much happier place in life. I'm slowly working the process. Unfortunately the all mighty dollar is what matters in these situations.

Wasn't trying to derail the thread. Point was Doc does real breeding and has access to pretty much any cut and has what he says. He has amassed a stellar mom list and is always improving genetics and searching seeds for better even more stable males. Stand up dude and I'm glad to call him my friend.
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This happened a while ago. I miss them but it'll work out in the end. I'm dating my best friend now and in a much happier place in life. I'm slowly working the process. Unfortunately the all mighty dollar is what matters in these situations.

Wasn't trying to derail the thread. Point was Doc does real breeding and has access to pretty much any cut and has what he says. He has amassed a stellar mom list and is always improving genetics and searching seeds for better even more stable males. Stand up dude and I'm glad to call him my friend.
Your a stand up guy yourself bro
Amen, Doc's gear is ALWAYS exactly what he says. He was even kind enough to
make some meds for my son who has MS the man is straight up as the day is long.

DOC,.has always been a strait shooter with me,and you can bet he has some GREAT BEANS..ITs people like doc..that works there ass off so we can have beater weed..thank you all and keep breading,so I can just grow.....thanks ky