post harvest pm

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Ahh! It wasn't there yesterday at least i didn't notice any on my pr#18 but i did an h20 h202 wash on my sd it had little spots and doesn't seem to have spread. The rest is fine but this one is too bad to finish drying let alone cure. Should i wash it? Washing won't get it all off at this stage and i don't want to scrub the triches off . So that leaves quick drying in an oven. I hate to do this to preemo indica but do i have much choice? What would you do ? I know pics . Can't just now.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Your drying in and area way to high in RH!
Have the air circulate by drawing air out, so it pulls in fresh! NOT over 50% RH!!!
if I saw mold on a bud, in flower, in my dry room, or in my sack, I'd toss it. that shits nasty to smoke.
ditto man. but if you really wanna use it without so much adverse effect to taste esh, id say edibles.

"“110 °C [230 °F] for 110 minutes.” Some of the best mainstream methods of making cannabudder came about from people reaching a similar conclusion, but by trial and error. Everyone perfects their own personal methods, but lower temperatures for a longer time can yield up to 95% of your THC."

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your replys. 2 plant where infected one more so had mostly invisable coating and spots the other just a few spots. I dryed both at around 180 for a couple hours. The less infected one also had an h202 bath b4 dry cause i had noticed a spot in grow. So the less infected one had the smell and flavor ruined but i can smoke it. It even smells like some discount weed i have been offered in some shops. The private reserve , the other one, smells not good and is harsh to smoke but still has a clean high. The way i dried it killed the pm but it did ruin the harvest. If it where a worse infection or if i turned out to be alergic it would be a total fail.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Your drying in and area way to high in RH!
Have the air circulate by drawing air out, so it pulls in fresh! NOT over 50% RH!!!
Its usually around 50 rh and i have the pm there. I can grow in 60 rh if the pm is not present. But i am not sure if i can use a sulfur smoker in my bed room to solve it so i have been fighting the pm with foliar spraying its working so far but i fear the next dry may become infectedso i will spray with a lacto bacteria b4 harvest.
What rh do you recommend for dry ? I like to hang dry for 2 -3 days trim then dry another couple days then jar and if still to wet to close in jar i put the whole jar in a paper bag over maybe over a dry vent. Would you recommend i dry faster because the pm?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Drying is done at 50% RH. it should take about 2 weeks. The stem should crack and and not bend when done....

Search on this site PM in the search line. click the title box and use my screen name. You'll find how to battle PM