
i haven't messed with anything like this since i did fuck tons of Salvia D. 5-10 years ago. easily my favorite mind altering substance.

i remember doing sheets of coricidin(DMT) in high school and tripping balls. i remember this one time around 15 years old that i had an appointment at the dmv since i was kicked off the bus because i looked too old for a minor and had to get an id to prove my age. i had forgotten about the appointment and took 2 or 3 sheets while walking home and by the time i got to the dmv i was so fried i had to have my mom do the paperwork for me. best picture id ever. wish i still had it.
i haven't messed with anything like this since i did fuck tons of Salvia D. 5-10 years ago. easily my favorite mind altering substance.

i remember doing sheets of coricidin(DMT) in high school and tripping balls. i remember this one time around 15 years old that i had an appointment at the dmv since i was kicked off the bus because i looked too old for a minor and had to get an id to prove my age. i had forgotten about the appointment and took 2 or 3 sheets while walking home and by the time i got to the dmv i was so fried i had to have my mom do the paperwork for me. best picture id ever. wish i still had it.
coricidin is not dmt . . . it is DXM.... i HUGE difference in molecular structure and effects . . .
coricidin is not dmt . . . it is DXM.... i HUGE difference in molecular structure and effects . . .

thank you for correcting. i haven't been around extreme mind altering substances in years. i used to love making myself into a drooling idiot. 5-10 years ago i would have found this thread and tried to OD. not literally, but damn close.
lol like doing dmt is gonna stop u from being considered clean dmt is the least addictive drug on the planet

I need some time away from... well, I basically do everything. It recently got me in a shit ton of trouble at work(I was super fucking burnt out) which caused a snowball effect. I need some time away from the party to straighten myself out.

Normally I would say I never let it get out of hand, but the last few months I have been doing too much. My body and mind need some recovery time.

I plan on staying around, so in some time I may join you guys in doing DMT.
just made some from mhrb but i'm only a cannabis guy. i've tried shrooms in the past and did some reading on DMT and got interested. what is the typical "dose" to vaporize? i'd like to trip, not fall into the abyss lol.

30-50mg (half a point) will get you break through with the machine 2 times over, research the machine for a good vaporiser for dmt use. And remember you need atleast 3 lungs full to get you a breakthrough experience. The trip lasts 5-10min
Stupid question from someone who has never touched the stuff, is it similar to Salvia D?

The short trips and extra dimensional sounding experience seems similar.

Dunno bro never tried salvia d, with dmt it feels like you get blasted to the other side of the universe and come to another place with other beings that communicate with you, it feels so real it's crazy.
Dunno bro never tried salvia d, with dmt it feels like you get blasted to the other side of the universe and come to another place with other beings that communicate with you, it feels so real it's crazy.

Sounds like Salvia D. I remember two distinct trips on it.

In one, the world turned into super Mario Bros 2 and I became a 2 dimensional being watching myself like I was playing the game. If that makes sense. Basically, I was having an out of body experience while having an out of body experience.

In the other I could see the universe and as I travelled the stars I came upon the earth and somehow just stood there amazed. Really I was laying in bed drooling like an idiot.

That is from the strongest stuff. The weaker stuff will have you staring at random shit laughing uncontrollably.

Trips last 5-15 minutes.