Ethical question

Let's not beat around the bush. What would make you start a thread on centralized food production or venezuela? Did you wake up one day and thought those seem like good threads?

Do you teach or council for a living?

I've been awake for a number of years.

As members here most all of us share our thoughts, ideas and arguments knowing they could be be shared or used somewhere else, by someone else and possibly even in another format I.e. a series post
Combined to make an argument, a speech or a lecture.

Do you think it would it be morrally wrong for, let's say a professor to gather peoples' personal thoughts or knowelege from a forum and use it In a class or a lecture, without those peoples' permission?
You're asking way too simple of a question...

Gathering information other people posted and compiling it into a presentation form is what a teacher does...

If you're taking someone else's research and presenting the findings as your own... That's something a lot of people have done...So you should feel less of yourself...But you could certainly justify what you're doing as well.

Also...Anyone who has done real research has acquired patents and could just sue the shit out of you if need be lol.
As members here most all of us share our thoughts, ideas and arguments knowing they could be be shared or used somewhere else, by someone else and possibly even in another format I.e. a series post
Combined to make an argument, a speech or a lecture.

Do you think it would it be morrally wrong for, let's say a professor to gather peoples' personal thoughts or knowelege from a forum and use it In a class or a lecture, without those peoples' permission?
A doctor once extracted the DNA of a patient and used some of his biological material to create something that had immense value.

He did this without the patients knowledge, and after he made his breakthrough, he made millions of dollars.

The patient found out and sued. The patient lost.