recreating 70's Columbian accident!

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Columbian red was the ONLY weed we could get when and where I was a young man.
Now I grow what you grow, indoors under LEDs, and it's awesome.
This past year a friend in fertile farm country, in mid-Atlantic USA, offered to put some clones in his hoop house, and split the harvest. They were typical good breeder grade 50/50.
I recently drove out to the farm to get my share and was shocked it looked, smelled, tasted and stoned me almost just like my beloved Colorao' Even though my indoor.sisters grew typical hybrid flowers, these plants had bud structure more resembling sativa. I can only surmise it was the mountain soil, air and sun that gave it a richness I have not achieved with indoor weed.
Can anyone speak to growing clones both indoor and out and getting a very different crop?
plants a plant

what you do to it

between germ and harvest makes all the difference

I grow all mine for the last 40 plus years

as close to the intended clime as possible

as like with life

'all them shit fights, wars, battles,

build charectuer ...

Shit ..look at me

good luck