Do i have to keep rockwool moist?


Active Member
Should i not let the rockwool cube dry out completely? Im trying to start a seed in rockwool so i can easily tranfer to dwc, but the last seed i tried to do this with i had lots of problems.


Well-Known Member
Soak cube in PH water ( 5.5 ) to break the high ph it brings ... Soak for at least 15 min.

Shake cube to cast off extra water .... Cube should be well moistened but not dripping wet. Place seed in AND KEEP WARM ... Important to keep seedling from being too cold.



Well-Known Member
No ... You mist it every few days ... It must be MOIST ONLY ...if you soak a cube with a sprouting seed ... You will kill it by drowning its baby root.

You can check cube for moisture by just lifting it compared to a dry one.


Well-Known Member
Do you let them dry completely before you water again?
No, you will dry and kill the seedling. keep moist at all times, dip in water for a few seconds a day only, I air prune in rockwool blocks on a wire mesh and is the best way to start seedlings to get a huge root system..