Controling Odor.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
Hey guys im in the process of building a grow room and i was wondering if an exhaust fan with a carbon filter is going to be good enough to control the odor. this will be my first indoor, my outdoors werent very smelly on the plant but then again it was in an open atmosphere.... help am indoor newb out will ya guys?


Well-Known Member
I can't help you with a filter, but I do know that opening a big bottle of extra strength Fabreeze and setting it in front of my fan has removed the smell from my entire house. It's is now about half way down a month later, but you can only smell the plants when right outside their intake vents.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
it is a 4 x 2 1/2 closet the air intake in is just gonna be coming in from under the door, and i plan on making a hole and placing a fan blowing the air out into the back of my i said my first indoor grow so don't know most of the tricks you guys use, let me know!!

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
im the only one living in this apartment the only problem would be if a neighbor were to smell my crops and either call the cops or try to bust in.... do you just set an open bottle no mister or anything?


Well-Known Member
im the only one living in this apartment the only problem would be if a neighbor were to smell my crops and either call the cops or try to bust in.... do you just set an open bottle no mister or anything?
I went on vacation for a few days, and when I came back the entire house smelled like my plants. I just unscrewed the bottle lid, placed it in front of the fan, and did plug in one of the fabreeze plug ins. That was it. The next day I came home I couldn't smell anything funky. I can still smell the plants if I'm standing out side of their intake vent, but that is it.